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[gnue] r9946 - in trunk/gnue-common/src: base utils

From: reinhard
Subject: [gnue] r9946 - in trunk/gnue-common/src: base utils
Date: Thu, 8 Oct 2009 05:31:19 -0500 (CDT)

Author: reinhard
Date: 2009-10-08 05:31:18 -0500 (Thu, 08 Oct 2009)
New Revision: 9946

Completed implementation of Node and NamedNode.

Copied: trunk/gnue-common/src/base/ (from rev 9928, 
--- trunk/gnue-common/src/base/                          (rev 0)
+++ trunk/gnue-common/src/base/  2009-10-08 10:31:18 UTC (rev 9946)
@@ -0,0 +1,1101 @@
+# GNU Enterprise Common Library - Tree structure classes
+# Copyright 2001-2009 Free Software Foundation
+# This file is part of GNU Enterprise
+# GNU Enterprise is free software; you can redistribute it
+# and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2, or (at your option) any later version.
+# GNU Enterprise is distributed in the hope that it will be
+# useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+# License along with program; see the file COPYING. If not,
+# write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place
+# - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+# $Id$
+Classes representing a node in a tree structure.
+TODO: This module is work in progress.
+from gnue.common.base import errors, i18n
+from gnue.common.base.i18n import utranslate as u_      # for epydoc
+__all__ = ['Node', 'NamedNode', 'AttribNode',
+        'ChildNotAllowedError', 'DuplicateSingletonError',
+        'CircularReferenceError', 'DuplicateChildNameError',
+        'DuplicateDescendantNameError', 'NodeDictNotAvailableError']
+# =============================================================================
+# Node class
+# =============================================================================
+class Node(object):
+    """
+    A node in a n-ary tree.
+    Instances of this class represent nodes that make up a tree structure. Each
+    node can have one parent (a node with a parent of C{None} is a root node)
+    and an arbitary number of children.
+    The parent of a node is defined on creation of the node, but can be changed
+    later. Nodes keep track of their children automatically, so changing the
+    parent of a node from A to B will automatically remove the node from A's
+    list of children and add it to B's list of children.
+    Children of a node are sorted in the order in which they were attached to
+    the parent.
+    Instances of this class support searching L{ancestors
+    <__find_ancestor_of_class__>} and L{descendants
+    <__find_descendant_of_class__>} of a given class.
+    @cvar _allowed_children_: Dictionary with valid child node classes, where
+        the key is the class and the value is a dictionary in the form
+        {'singleton': True/False (defaults to False)}.
+    """
+    _allowed_children_ = {}
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # Constructor
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    def __init__(self, parent=None, children=None):
+        """
+        Initialize a new node.
+        @param parent: Parent node.
+        @type parent: Node
+        @param children: Children to add to this node after initalization.
+        @type children: list
+        """
+        #: Parent node or C{None} if this is the root node
+        self.__parent = None
+        #: List of child nodes
+        self.__children = []
+        self.__parent__ = parent
+        if children is not None:
+            for child in children:
+                child.__parent__ = self
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # Property "parent"
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    def __get_parent(self):
+        return self.__parent
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    def __set_parent(self, value):
+        checktype(value, [Node, None])
+        self._set_parent_(value)
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    __parent__ = property(__get_parent, __set_parent, None,
+            """
+            Parent node, or C{None} if this is the root of the tree.
+            @type: Node or None
+            """)
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # Property "children"
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # This is a property because we want to make it readonly
+    def __get_children(self):
+        return self.__children
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    __children__ = property(__get_children, None, None,
+            """
+            List of child nodes. (readonly)
+            @type: [Node]
+            """)
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # Property "root"
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    def __get_root(self):
+        result = self
+        while result.__parent is not None:
+            result = result.__parent
+        return result
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    __root__ = property(__get_root, None, None,
+            """
+            Root node of the tree this node is a member of. (readonly)
+            @type: Node
+            """)
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # Apply a function to every element in the tree
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    def __walk__(self, function, *args, **kwargs):
+        """
+        Apply a function to all nodes of the (sub)tree rooted at this node.
+        The function is first applied to this node, then to the first child
+        node, then to all children of the first child node recursively, then to
+        the next child node, etc.
+        The function is called with the repective node as the first argument,
+        followed by the positional arguments and keyword arguments provided in
+        the call to C{__walk__}.
+        @param function: Function to call on every node.
+        @type function: callable
+        @param args: Positional arguments
+        @type args: tuple
+        @param kwargs: Keyword arguments
+        @type kwargs: dict
+        """
+        function(self, *args, **kwargs)
+        for child in self.__children:
+            child.__walk__(function, *args, **kwargs)
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # Find first parent of a given class
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    def __find_ancestor_of_class__(self, ancestor_class):
+        """
+        Return the nearest ancestor with the given class.
+        This function searches through all ancestors (parent, parent of the
+        parent, etc.) of this node until it finds a node of the given class.
+        If none of the ancestors is of the given class, None is returned.
+        @param ancestor_class: Node class to search for.
+        @type ancestor_class: type
+        @return: Ancestor node of the given class.
+        @rtype: Node or None
+        """
+        checktype(ancestor_class, type)
+        parent = self.__parent__
+        while parent is not None:
+            if isinstance(parent, ancestor_class):
+                return parent
+            parent = parent.__parent__
+        return None
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # Find first descendant of a given class
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    def __find_descendant_of_class__(self, descendant_class):
+        """
+        Return the first descendant with the given class.
+        This function searches through all descendants (children, children of
+        children, etc.) of this node until it finds a node of the given class.
+        If none of the descendants is of the given class, None is returned.
+        The search is first applied to the first child node, then to all
+        children of the first child node recursively, then to the next child
+        node, etc.
+        @param descendant_class: Node class to search for.
+        @type descendant_class: type
+        @return: Descendant node of the given node type.
+        @rtype: Node or None
+        """
+        checktype(descendant_class, type)
+        for child in self.__children__:
+            if isinstance(child, descendant_class):
+                return child
+            found = child.__find_descendant_of_class__(descendant_class)
+            if found is not None:
+                return found
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # Abstract functions
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    def _set_parent_(self, parent):
+        """
+        Hook for subclasses to register a parent change.
+        Subclasses can implement this method to execute stuff that has to be
+        done whenever a node gets a new parent.
+        """
+        # Make sure the new parent will accept us as a child.
+        if parent is not None:
+            for allowed_class, info in parent._allowed_children_.items():
+                # Must test with isinstance to also match descendant classes.
+                if isinstance(self, allowed_class):
+                    if info.get('singleton', False):
+                        if parent.__find_descendant_of_class__(allowed_class):
+                            raise DuplicateSingletonError(parent,
+                                    allowed_class)
+                    break
+            else:
+                raise ChildNotAllowedError(parent, self)
+        # Make sure that we don't create a circular reference.
+        node = parent
+        while node is not None:
+            if node is self:
+                raise CircularReferenceError
+            node = node.__parent
+        # Unregister with old parent.
+        if self.__parent is not None:
+            self.__parent.__children.remove(self)
+        # Set new parent.
+        self.__parent = parent
+        # Register with new parent.
+        if self.__parent is not None:
+            self.__parent.__children.append(self)
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# By default, allow all kinds of children
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# This has to be put here since in the declaration of the Node class, the
+# identifier "Node" is not yet defined.
+Node._allowed_children_ = {Node: {}}
+# =============================================================================
+# NamedNode class
+# =============================================================================
+class NamedNode(Node):
+    """
+    A node in an n-ary tree with a name.
+    C{NamedNode}s introduce a L{I{node name} <node_name>}.
+    Children of C{NamedNode}s that are also C{NamedNode}s can be accessed
+    with their name by using the L{__get_child__} function. At the same time,
+    all children look like a read-only property of the direct parent, so to
+    access the child 'bar' of the node 'foo', just write C{}.
+    To delete a child from the list of children, you can use 'C{del
+    node.childname}'.
+    Instances of this class support searching descendants for a given node
+    name with the method L{__find_descendant__}.
+    Every C{NamedNode} instance can define a list of node classes it is
+    interested in. Descendants of each of these classes will be hashed in a
+    L{dictionary <__get_node_dict__>} (a separate dictionary per class).
+    @cvar _node_dicts_: List of classes for which descendants should be hashed.
+        Defined by subclasses.
+    @type _node_dicts_: [str]
+    """
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # Class variables
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    _node_dicts_ = []
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # Constructor
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    def __init__(self, parent=None, children=None):
+        """
+        Initialize a new named node.
+        @param parent: Parent node.
+        @type parent: Node
+        """
+        # The following 3 variables must be set before __init__, because
+        # setting the parent or attaching the children already needs them.
+        #: Node name
+        self.__node_name = None
+        #: Dictionary with all named children
+        self.__named_children = {}
+        #: Dictionaries with descendants of interesting classes
+        self.__node_dicts = dict.fromkeys(self._node_dicts_, {})
+        Node.__init__(self, parent=parent, children=children)
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # Nice string representation
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    def __unicode__(self):
+        """
+        Return the node name as unicode string.
+        If there is no node name defined, a string saying C{"<unnamed
+        I{classname}>"} is returned.
+        """
+        if self.__node_name is None:
+            return "<unnamed " + self.__class__.__name__ + ">"
+        else:
+            return unicode(self.__node_name)
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    def __str__(self):
+        """
+        Return a 8 bit string representation of the node.
+        If there is no node name defined, a string saying C{"<unnamed
+        I{classname}>"} is returned.
+        The string is encoded in the current system encoding.
+        """
+        return i18n.outconv(self.__unicode__())
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    def __repr__(self):
+        """
+        Return a verbose string representation of the node.
+        """
+        if self.__node_name is None:
+            return "<unnamed " + self.__class__.__name__ + ">"
+        else:
+            return "<%(class)s \"%(name)s\">" % {
+                    'class': self.__class__.__name__,
+                    'name': self.__str__()}
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # Attribute access
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    def __getattr__(self, name):
+        """
+        Allow direct access to children by name.
+        """
+        if self.__named_children.has_key(name):
+            return self.__named_children[name]
+        else:
+            raise AttributeError
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    def __delattr__(self, name):
+        """
+        Allow removal of children with C{del node.child}.
+        """
+        if self.__named_children.has_key(name):
+            self.__named_children[name].__parent__ = None
+        else:
+            Node.__delattr__(self, name)
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # Property "node_name"
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    def __get_node_name(self):
+        return self.__node_name
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    def __set_node_name(self, value):
+        checktype(value, [basestring, None])
+        if self.__node_name is not None:
+            self.__unregister_named_children()
+            self.__unregister_node_dict(self.__parent__)
+        self.__node_name = unicode(value)
+        if self.__node_name is not None:
+            self.__register_named_children()
+            self.__register_node_dict(self.__parent__)
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    __node_name__ = property(__get_node_name, __set_node_name, None,
+            """
+            Name of the node.
+            Usually, every node in a tree has a different name. Nodes may also
+            be unnamed (meaning a name of None).
+            @type: basestring
+            """)
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # Register with parents and ancestors if parent is changed
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    def _set_parent_(self, parent):
+        if self.__node_name is not None:
+            self.__unregister_named_children()
+            # We also have to unregister all our descendants from our old
+            # ancestors' node dicts.
+            def maybe_unregister(node, parent):
+                if isinstance(node, NamedNode):
+                    node.__unregister_node_dict(parent)
+            self.__walk__(maybe_unregister, self.__parent__)
+        Node._set_parent_(self, parent)
+        if self.__node_name is not None:
+            self.__register_named_children()
+            # We also have to register all our descendants with our new
+            # ancestors' node dicts.
+            def maybe_register(node, parent):
+                if isinstance(node, NamedNode):
+                    node.__register_node_dict(parent)
+            self.__walk__(maybe_register, self.__parent__)
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # Helper methods to register/unregister with parent and ancestors
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    def __register_named_children(self):
+        # register with parent
+        if isinstance(self.__parent__, NamedNode):
+            child_dict = self.__parent__.__named_children
+            if child_dict.has_key(self.__node_name):
+                raise DuplicateChildNameError(self.__node_name, 
+            child_dict[self.__node_name] = self
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    def __register_node_dict(self, parent):
+        # register with all ancestors that have a node_dict for this class
+        ancestor = parent
+        while ancestor is not None:
+            if isinstance(ancestor, NamedNode):
+                if ancestor.__node_dicts.has_key(self.__class__):
+                    node_dict = ancestor.__node_dicts[self.__class__]
+                    if node_dict.has_key(self.__node_name):
+                        raise DuplicateDescendantNameError, (self.__node_name,
+                                self.__class__, ancestor)
+                    node_dict[self.__node_name] = self
+            ancestor = ancestor.__parent__
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    def __unregister_named_children(self):
+        # unregister with parent
+        if isinstance(self.__parent__, NamedNode):
+            del self.__parent__.__named_children[self.__node_name]
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    def __unregister_node_dict(self, parent):
+        # unregister with all ancestors that have a node_dict for this class
+        ancestor = parent
+        while ancestor is not None:
+            if isinstance(ancestor, NamedNode):
+                node_dicts = ancestor.__node_dicts
+                if node_dicts.has_key(self.__class__):
+                    del ancestor.__node_dicts[self.__class__]\
+                            [self.__node_name]
+            ancestor = ancestor.__parent__
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # Get child with the given node name
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    def __get_child__(self, node_name):
+        """
+        Return the child node with the given node name
+        @param node_name: The node name of the desired child
+        @type node_name: basestring
+        @return: The child node with that node name, or C{None} if there is
+            no such child node.
+        @rtype: NamedNode or None
+        """
+        return self.__named_children.get(node_name)
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # Find first descendant with a given node name
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    def __find_descendant__(self, node_name):
+        """
+        Return the first descendant with the given node name.
+        This function searches through all descendants (children, children of
+        children, etc.) of this node until it finds a node with the given node
+        name. If none of the descendants has the given name, None is returned.
+        If a node isn't an instance of a subclass of L{NamedNode}, it is
+        ignored, however the search is continued by its children.
+        The search is first applied to the first child node, then to all
+        children of the first child node recursively, then to the next child
+        node, etc.
+        @param node_name: Node name to search for.
+        @type node_name: basestring
+        @return: Descendant node with the given name.
+        @rtype: NamedNode or None
+        """
+        checktype(node_name, basestring)
+        # We need a helper function so we can traverse nodes not derived from
+        # NamedNode.
+        return self.__find_descendant(self, node_name)
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # Helper function for searching recursively through descendants
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    def __find_descendant(self, node, node_name):
+        for child in node.__children__:
+            if isinstance(child, NamedNode):
+                if child.__node_name == node_name:
+                    return child
+            found = self.__find_descendant(child, node_name)
+            if found is not None:
+                return found
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # Get node dictionary with all descendant nodes of a given class
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    def __get_node_dict__(self, descendant_class):
+        """
+        Return a dictionary with all descendant nodes of the given class.
+        The node names are the keys of the dictionary, and the node objects
+        are the values. Nodes without a node name aren't included in the
+        dictionary.
+        This function only works for classes that have been registered in
+        the L{_node_dicts_} list of the class of this node.
+        """
+        if descendant_class not in self.__node_dicts:
+            raise NodeDictNotAvailableError, (self.__node_name, self.__class__,
+                    descendant_class)
+        return self.__node_dicts[descendant_class]
+# =============================================================================
+# AttribNode class
+# =============================================================================
+class AttribNode(NamedNode):
+    """
+    A node in an n-ary tree with node attributes.
+    Every subclass of this class can define a set of valid attributes that
+    nodes of this subclass will have, of what type the attributes are, and what
+    default value these attributes will have.
+    TODO: document structure of _node_attribs_ dictionary, and give examples
+    how to use it (especially how to extend the inherited dictionary in
+    subclasses).
+    Instances of this class expose their attributes through dictionary access.
+    The attribute 'my_attr' of the object instance 'my_node' can be read and
+    written as C{my_node['my_attr']}.
+    On creation of new instances, attributes are initialized with their default
+    value, or with C{None} if no default value is defined.
+    Whenever an attribute value is set, it is typecast to the defined type. If
+    this typecast fails, the value is not changed, and an exception is raised.
+    Attribute types can not only be ordinary data types (like C{unicode},
+    C{str}, or C{int}, but they can also be subclasses of L{NamedNode}. In this
+    case, both C{my_node['my_attr'] = other_node} and
+    C{my_node['my_attr'] = 'other_node_name'} are valid, and will cause
+    C{my_node['my_attr']} to evaluate to other_node, provided that other_node
+    has a name of 'other_node_name', both my_node and other_node are in the
+    same tree, and the type of other_node is registered in the root node's
+    C{_node_dicts_} list.
+    """
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # Class variables
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    _node_attribs_ = {
+            'name': {
+                    'type': str,
+                    'label': u_("name"),
+                    'description': u_("Name of this element"),
+                    'default': None}}
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # Constructor
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    def __init__(self, parent=None, children=None):
+        """
+        Initialize a new attributed node.
+        @param parent: Parent node.
+        @type parent: Node
+        """
+        NamedNode.__init__(self, parent=parent, children=children)
+        #: Attributes
+        self.__attribs = {}
+        for (name, definition) in self._node_attribs_:
+            self.__attribs[name] = definition.get('default')
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # Dictionary style attribute access
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    def __getitem__(self, name):
+        try:
+            definition = self._node_attribs_[name]
+        except KeyError:
+            raise InvalidAttributeError(self, name)
+        # if this is a reference to another node, look for it in the parent's
+        # node dictionary
+        target_type = definition['type']
+        # TODO: find node type for wanted class, look up name in root's node
+        # dictionary.
+        return self.__attribs[name]
+    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    def __setitem__(self, name, value):
+        try:
+            definition = self._node_attribs_[name]
+        except KeyError:
+            raise InvalidAttributeError(self, name)
+        # typecast if necessary
+        target_type = definition['type']
+        # if this is a reference to another node, we need to store the name
+        if issubclass(target_type, NamedNode):
+            target_type = unicode
+        if not isinstance(value, target_type):
+            try:
+                value = target_type(value)
+            except Exception, e:
+                raise InvalidAttributeValueError(self, name, value, e)
+        # TODO: check if value is in list of allowed values if defined in
+        # _node_attribs_
+        self.__attribs[name] = value
+# =============================================================================
+# Exceptions
+# =============================================================================
+class ChildNotAllowedError(errors.ApplicationError):
+    """
+    Children of this class are not allowed for this parent.
+    The requested parent for this node can't be set because the parent does not
+    allow for children of this class.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, parent_node, child_node):
+        message = u_(
+                "Parent node '%(parent_node)s' does not allow children of "
+                "class '%(child_class)s'")
+        errors.ApplicationError.__init__(self, message % {
+                'parent_node': parent_node,
+                'child_class': child_node.__class__.__name__})
+# =============================================================================
+class DuplicateSingletonError(errors.ApplicationError):
+    """
+    Only one child of this class allowed.
+    The requested parent for this node can't be set because the parent already
+    has a child of this class, but only one is allowed.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, parent_node, child_class):
+        message = u_(
+                "Parent node '%(parent_node)s' already has a child of class "
+                "'%(child_class)s'")
+        errors.ApplicationError.__init__(self, message % {
+                'parent_node': parent_node,
+                'child_class': child_class.__name__})
+# =============================================================================
+class CircularReferenceError(errors.ApplicationError):
+    """
+    Setting parent would create a circular reference.
+    Setting the requested parent for this node would create a circular
+    reference in the tree, like A is the parent of B, B is the parent of C, and
+    C is the parent of A.
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        message = u_("Setting parent would create a circular reference")
+        errors.ApplicationError.__init__(self, message)
+# =============================================================================
+class DuplicateChildNameError(errors.ApplicationError):
+    """
+    Duplicate child name.
+    Changing the node name or the parent of this node as requested would result
+    in the (new) parent having two children with the same node name.
+    Note that after this exception has happened, the tree is in an inconsistent
+    state.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, child_name, parent_node):
+        message = u_(
+                "Duplicate child name '%(child_name)s' for parent node "
+                "'%(parent_node)s'")
+        errors.ApplicationError.__init__(self, message % {
+                'child_name': child_name,
+                'parent_node': parent_node})
+# =============================================================================
+class DuplicateDescendantNameError(errors.ApplicationError):
+    """
+    Duplicate descendant name for node class.
+    Changing the node name or the parent of this node as requested would result
+    in a (new) ancestor of this node having two descendants of the same class
+    with the same name. This is only a problem if this ancestor maintains a
+    dictionary of the descendants of this class.
+    Note that after this exception has happened, the tree is in an inconsistent
+    state.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, descendant_name, descendant_class, ancestor_node):
+        message = u_(
+                "Duplicate node name '%(descendant_name)s' with class "
+                "'%(descendant_class)s' in descendants of node "
+                "'%(ancestor_node)s'")
+        errors.ApplicationError.__init__(self, message % {
+                'descendant_name': descendant_name,
+                'descendant_class': descendant_class.__name__,
+                'ancestor_node': ancestor_node})
+# =============================================================================
+class NodeDictNotAvailableError(errors.SystemError):
+    """
+    Node Dictionary not available for this class.
+    This node class does not maintain a node dictionary for the requested 
+    """
+    def __init__(self, node_name, parent_class, child_class):
+        message = u_(
+                "Node '%(node_name)s' of class '%(parent_class)s' does not "
+                "maintain a node dictionary for node class '%(child_class)s'")
+        errors.SystemError.__init__(self, message % {
+                'node_name': node_name,
+                'parent_class': parent_class.__module__ + '.' \
+                                + parent_class.__name__,
+                'child_class': child_class.__name__})
+# =============================================================================
+# Self test code
+# =============================================================================
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Node class
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def test_node_class():
+    # Descendant of Node used in test code
+    class TestNode(Node):
+        def __init__(self, parent=None, children=None, text=None):
+            Node.__init__(self, parent=parent, children=children)
+            self.__text = text
+        def __str__(self):
+            return self.__text
+    # Build up our tree
+    root = TestNode(text='People')
+    monty_python = TestNode(parent=root, text='Monty Python')
+    john_cleese = TestNode(parent=monty_python, text='John Cleese')
+    TestNode(parent=monty_python, text='Michael Palin')
+    TestNode(parent=monty_python, text='Graham Chapman')
+    TestNode(parent=monty_python, text='Terry Jones')
+    TestNode(parent=monty_python, text='Terry Gilliam')
+    star_trek = TestNode(parent=root, text='Star Trek', children=[
+        TestNode(text='James T. Kirk'),
+        TestNode(text='Mr. Spock'),
+        TestNode(text='Leonard McCoy')])
+    # Test "__children__" property
+    print "The Monty Python group:"
+    for child in monty_python.__children__:
+        print "   ", child
+    # Test "__parent__" and "__root__" property
+    print john_cleese, "is a member of", john_cleese.__parent__
+    print "    and all are", john_cleese.__root__
+    # Test "__walk__" function
+    def printout(self, prefix):
+        print prefix, self
+    print "All nodes:"
+    root.__walk__(printout, "   ")
+    # Test "CircularReferenceError" exception
+    try:
+        monty_python.__parent__ = john_cleese
+    except CircularReferenceError, error:
+        print "Correctly got an exception:", error
+    print monty_python, "has now a parent of", monty_python.__parent__
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# NamedNode class
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def test_named_node_class():
+    # Descendants of Node and NamedNode used in test code
+    class TextNode(NamedNode):
+        def __init__(self, parent, text):
+            NamedNode.__init__(self, parent)
+            self.__node_name__ = text
+    class Man(TextNode):
+        pass
+    class Woman(TextNode):
+        pass
+    class Captain(TextNode):
+        pass
+    class Group(TextNode):
+        _node_dicts_ = [Man, Captain]
+    Group._allowed_children_ = {
+            Group: {},
+            Man: {},
+            Woman: {},
+            # There can only be one captain!
+            Captain: {'singleton': True}}
+    # Build up our tree
+    root = Group(None, 'People')
+    monty_python = Group(root, 'Monty Python')
+    john_cleese = Man(monty_python, 'John Cleese')
+    Man(monty_python, 'Michael Palin')
+    Man(monty_python, 'Graham Chapman')
+    Man(monty_python, 'Terry Jones')
+    Man(monty_python, 'Terry Gilliam')
+    Woman(monty_python, None)           # The woman whose name I can't remember
+    star_trek = Group(root, 'Star Trek')
+    james_kirk = Captain(star_trek, 'James T. Kirk')
+    Man(star_trek, 'Spock')
+    Man(star_trek, 'Leonard McCoy')
+    Woman(star_trek, 'Nyota Uhura')
+    Man(star_trek, None)                # The nameless security officer
+    wife = Node(james_kirk)             # Kirk's wife - unnamed by intention
+    peter_kirk = Man(wife, 'Peter Kirk')   # Kirk's son
+    # Test direct child access
+    print "Spock can be directly accessed:",
+    print star_trek.Spock
+    # Test "__node_name__" property
+    print james_kirk, "has node name", james_kirk.__node_name__
+    # Test "__get_child__" method
+    print "Terry Jones can be found:",
+    print monty_python.__get_child__('Terry Jones')
+    # Test "__find_ancestor_of_class__" method
+    print peter_kirk, "belongs to",
+    print peter_kirk.__find_ancestor_of_class__(Group)
+    # Test "__find_descendant__" method
+    print "Peter Kirk can be found:",
+    print star_trek.__find_descendant__('Peter Kirk')
+    # Test "__find_descendant_of_class__" method
+    print "Nyota Uhura can be found:",
+    print star_trek.__find_descendant_of_class__(Woman)
+    # Test "__get_node_dict__" method
+    print "All men of the Monty Python group:"
+    for (key, value) in monty_python.__get_node_dict__(Man).items():
+        print "   ", key, "=", value
+    print "All men of the Star Trek group:"
+    for (key, value) in star_trek.__get_node_dict__(Man).items():
+        print "   ", key, "=", value
+    print "All men of all groups:"
+    for (key, value) in root.__get_node_dict__(Man).items():
+        print "   ", key, "=", value
+    # Test changing node name:
+    james_kirk.__node_name__ = 'James Tiberius Kirk'
+    print "Now Kirk's node name has changed to", james_kirk.__node_name__
+    print "Now he can be found under the new name with __get_child__:", \
+            star_trek.__get_child__('James Tiberius Kirk')
+    print "Now he can be found under the new name with __find_descendant__:", \
+            root.__find_descendant__('James Tiberius Kirk')
+    print "He cannot be found under the old name any more:", \
+            star_trek.__get_child__('James T. Kirk'), "-", \
+            root.__find_descendant__('James T. Kirk')
+    print "He is in root's node_dict as 'James Tiberius Kirk':", \
+            'James Tiberius Kirk' in root.__get_node_dict__(Captain)
+    print "He is in root's node_dict as 'James T. Kirk':", \
+            'James T. Kirk' in root.__get_node_dict__(Captain)
+    # Test changing parent: __get_child__, __get_node_dict__ for old and new
+    print "Making James Kirk a son of John Cleese (ugh!)"
+    james_kirk.__parent__ = john_cleese
+    print "Now he can be found under Monty Python with __find_descendant__:", \
+            monty_python.__find_descendant__('James Tiberius Kirk')
+    print "He cannot be found under Star Trek any more:", \
+            star_trek.__get_child__('James Tiberius Kirk'), "-", \
+            star_trek.__find_descendant__('James Tiberius Kirk')
+    print "He is in Star Trek's node_dict:", \
+            'James Tiberius Kirk' in star_trek.__get_node_dict__(Man)
+    print "He is in Monty Python's node_dict:", \
+            'James Tiberius Kirk' in monty_python.__get_node_dict__(Man)
+    print "Peter Kirk is in Star Trek's node_dict:", \
+            'Peter Kirk' in star_trek.__get_node_dict__(Man)
+    print "Peter Kirk is in Monty Python's node_dict:", \
+            'Peter Kirk' in monty_python.__get_node_dict__(Man)
+    # Test deletion of child
+    print "Deleting Spock"
+    del star_trek.Spock
+    print "Now he cannot be found any more:", \
+            star_trek.__get_child__('Spock'), "-", \
+            root.__find_descendant__('Spock')
+    # Test ChildNotAllowedError
+    try:
+        TextNode(star_trek, 'Nibble')
+    except ChildNotAllowedError, error:
+        print "Correctly got an exception:", error
+    # Test DuplicateSingletonError
+    try:
+        Captain(star_trek, 'Second Captain')
+    except DuplicateSingletonError, error:
+        print "Correctly got an exception:", error
+    # Test DuplicateChildNameError
+    try:
+        Woman(star_trek, 'Nyota Uhura')
+    except DuplicateChildNameError, error:
+        print "Correctly got an exception:", error
+    new_uhura = Woman(wife, 'Nyota Uhura')              # this may not fail...
+    try:
+        new_uhura.__parent__ = star_trek                # ...but this must fail
+    except DuplicateChildNameError, error:
+        print "Correctly got an exception:", error
+    # Test DuplicateDescendantNameError
+    try:
+        Man(peter_kirk, 'Terry Jones')
+    except DuplicateDescendantNameError, error:
+        print "Correctly got an exception:", error
+    # Test NodeDictNotAvailableError
+    try:
+        root.__get_node_dict__(Woman)
+    except NodeDictNotAvailableError, error:
+        print "Correctly got an exception:", error
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Run tests
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    test_node_class()
+    print
+    test_named_node_class()
+    # TODO: test_attrib_node_class()

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--- trunk/gnue-common/src/utils/ 2009-10-08 06:51:58 UTC (rev 9945)
+++ trunk/gnue-common/src/utils/ 2009-10-08 10:31:18 UTC (rev 9946)
@@ -1,965 +0,0 @@
-# GNU Enterprise Common Library - Tree structure classes
-# Copyright 2001-2009 Free Software Foundation
-# This file is part of GNU Enterprise
-# GNU Enterprise is free software; you can redistribute it
-# and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-# version 2, or (at your option) any later version.
-# GNU Enterprise is distributed in the hope that it will be
-# useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
-# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
-# License along with program; see the file COPYING. If not,
-# write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place
-# - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-# $Id$
-Classes representing a node in a tree structure.
-TODO: This module is work in progress.
-from gnue.common.base import errors, i18n
-from gnue.common.base.i18n import utranslate as u_      # for epydoc
-__all__ = ['CircularReferenceError', 'DuplicateChildNameError',
-        'DuplicateDescendantNameError', 'NodeDictNotAvailableError',
-        'Node', 'NamedNode', 'AttribNode']
-# =============================================================================
-# Exceptions
-# =============================================================================
-class CircularReferenceError(errors.SystemError):
-    """
-    Setting parent would create a circular reference.
-    Setting the requested parent for this node would create a circular
-    reference in the tree, like A is the parent of B, B is the parent of C, and
-    C is the parent of A.
-    """
-    def __init__(self):
-        message = u_("Setting parent would create a circular reference")
-        errors.SystemError.__init__(self, message)
-# =============================================================================
-class DuplicateChildNameError(errors.SystemError):
-    """
-    Duplicate child name.
-    Changing the node name or the parent of this node as requested would result
-    in the (new) parent having two children with the same node name.
-    Note that after this exception has happened, the tree is in an inconsistent
-    state.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, child_name, parent_node):
-        message = u_(
-                "Duplicate child name '%(child_name)s' for parent node "
-                "'%(parent_node)s'")
-        errors.SystemError.__init__(self, message % {
-                'child_name': child_name,
-                'parent_node': repr(parent_node)})
-# =============================================================================
-class DuplicateDescendantNameError(errors.SystemError):
-    """
-    Duplicate descendant name for node type.
-    Changing the node name or the parent of this node as requested would result
-    in a (new) ancestor of this node having two descendants of the same type
-    with the same name. This is only a problem if this ancestor maintains a
-    dictionary of the descendants of this type.
-    Note that after this exception has happened, the tree is in an inconsistent
-    state.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, descendant_name, descendant_type, ancestor_node):
-        message = u_(
-                "Duplicate node name '%(descendant_name)s' in descendants of "
-                "node type %(descendant_type)s of node '%(ancestor_node)s'")
-        errors.SystemError.__init__(self, message % {
-                'descendant_name': descendant_name,
-                'descendant_type': descendant_type,
-                'ancestor_node': ancestor_node})
-# =============================================================================
-class NodeDictNotAvailableError(errors.SystemError):
-    """
-    Node Dictionary not available for this type.
-    This node class does not maintain a node dictionary for the requested type.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, node_name, node_class, node_type):
-        message = u_(
-                "Node '%(node_name)s' of class '%(node_class)s' does not "
-                "maintain a node dictionary for node type '%(node_type)s'")
-        errors.SystemError.__init__(self, message % {
-                'node_name': node_name,
-                'node_class': node_class.__module__ + '.' + 
-                'node_type': node_type})
-# =============================================================================
-# Node class
-# =============================================================================
-class Node(object):
-    """
-    A node in a n-ary tree.
-    Instances of this class represent nodes that make up a tree structure. Each
-    node can have one parent (a node with a parent of C{None} is a root node)
-    and an arbitary number of children.
-    The parent of a node is defined on creation of the node, but can be changed
-    later. Nodes keep track of their children automatically, so changing the
-    parent of a node from A to B will automatically remove the node from A's
-    list of children and add it to B's list of children.
-    Children of a node are sorted in the order in which they were attached to
-    the parent.
-    """
-    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # Constructor
-    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def __init__(self, parent):
-        """
-        Initialize a new node.
-        @param parent: Parent node.
-        @type parent: Node
-        """
-        #: Parent node or C{None} if this is the root node
-        self.__parent = None
-        #: List of child nodes
-        self.__children = []
-        self.parent = parent
-    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # Property "parent"
-    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def __get_parent(self):
-        return self.__parent
-    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def __set_parent(self, value):
-        checktype(value, [Node, None])
-        self._set_parent_(value)
-    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    parent = property(__get_parent, __set_parent, None,
-            """
-            Parent node, or C{None} if this is the root of the tree.
-            @type: Node or None
-            """)
-    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # Property "children"
-    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # This is a property because we want to make it readonly
-    def __get_children(self):
-        return self.__children
-    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    children = property(__get_children, None, None,
-            """
-            List of child nodes. (readonly)
-            @type: [Node]
-            """)
-    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # Property "root"
-    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def __get_root(self):
-        result = self
-        while result.__parent is not None:
-            result = result.__parent
-        return result
-    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    root = property(__get_root, None, None,
-            """
-            Root node of the tree this node is a member of. (readonly)
-            @type: Node
-            """)
-    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # Apply a function to every element in the tree
-    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def walk(self, function, *args, **kwargs):
-        """
-        Apply a function to all nodes of the (sub)tree rooted at this node.
-        The function is first applied to this node, then to the first child
-        node, then to all children of the first child node recursively, then to
-        the next child node, etc.
-        The function is called with the repective node as the first argument,
-        followed by the positional arguments and keyword arguments provided in
-        the call to C{walk}.
-        @param function: Function to call on every node.
-        @type function: callable
-        @param args: Positional arguments
-        @type args: tuple
-        @param kwargs: Keyword arguments
-        @type kwargs: dict
-        """
-        function(self, *args, **kwargs)
-        for child in self.__children:
-            child.walk(function, *args, **kwargs)
-    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # Abstract functions
-    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def _set_parent_(self, parent):
-        """
-        Hook for subclasses to register a parent change.
-        Subclasses can implement this method to execute stuff that has to be
-        done whenever a node gets a new parent.
-        """
-        # Make sure that we don't create a circular reference
-        node = parent
-        while node is not None:
-            if node is self:
-                raise CircularReferenceError
-            node = node.__parent
-        # Unregister with old parent
-        if self.__parent is not None:
-            self.__parent.__children.remove(self)
-        # Set new parent
-        self.__parent = parent
-        # Register with new parent
-        if self.__parent is not None:
-            self.__parent.__children.append(self)
-# =============================================================================
-# NamedNode class
-# =============================================================================
-class NamedNode(Node):
-    """
-    A node in an n-ary tree with a node type and a name.
-    C{NamedNode}s introduce a L{I{node type} <node_type>} and a L{I{node name}
-    <node_name>}. While for a given subclass of C{NamedNode}, all instances
-    share the same node type, each instance has a different node name.
-    Children of C{NamedNode}s that are also C{NamedNode}s can be L{accessed
-    with their name <get_child>}.
-    Instances of this class support searching ancestors L{for a given node type
-    <find_ancestor_of_type>} and searching descendants L{for a given node
-    name <find_descendant>} or L{for a given node type
-    <find_descendant_of_type>}.
-    Every C{NamedNode} instance can define a list of node types it is
-    interested in. Descendants of each of these types will be hashed in a
-    L{dictionary <get_node_dict>} (a separate dictionary per type).
-    @cvar _node_type_: Type of this node. Defined by subclasses.
-    @type _node_type_: str
-    @cvar _node_dicts_: List of types for which descendants should be hashed.
-        Defined by subclasses.
-    @type _node_dicts_: [str]
-    """
-    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # Class variables
-    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    _node_type_ = None
-    _node_dicts_ = []
-    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # Constructor
-    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def __init__(self, parent):
-        """
-        Initialize a new named node.
-        @param parent: Parent node.
-        @type parent: Node
-        """
-        #: Node name
-        # Must be set before __init__, because setting the parent already needs
-        # this variable.
-        self.__node_name = None
-        Node.__init__(self, parent)
-        #: Dictionary with all named children
-        self.__named_children = {}
-        #: Dictionaries with descendants of interesting node types
-        self.__node_dicts = dict.fromkeys(self._node_dicts_, {})
-    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # Nice string representation
-    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def __repr__(self):
-        """
-        Return a string representation of the node.
-        The string representation is either the node name, or, if there is no
-        node name defined, a string saying C{"<unnamed I{node_type}>"}.
-        If the node name is a unicode string, it is converted to the encoding
-        as defined in the current locale.
-        """
-        if self.__node_name is None:
-            if self._node_type_ is None:
-                return "<unnamed untyped node>"
-            else:
-                return "<unnamed " + self._node_type_ + ">"
-        elif isinstance(self.__node_name, unicode):
-            return i18n.outconv(self.__node_name)
-        else:
-            return self.__node_name
-    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # Property "node_type"
-    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def __get_node_type(self):
-        return self._node_type_
-    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    node_type = property(__get_node_type, None, None,
-            """
-            Node type.
-            The node type is defined in the class definition of descendant
-            classes of L{NamedNode}. All nodes of the same class have the same
-            type. You can think of the node type as a "nice name for the class
-            of the node".
-            @type: basestring
-            """)
-    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # Property "node_name"
-    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def __get_node_name(self):
-        return self.__node_name
-    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def __set_node_name(self, value):
-        checktype(value, [basestring, None])
-        if self.__node_name is not None:
-            self.__unregister()
-        self.__node_name = value
-        if self.__node_name is not None:
-            self.__register()
-    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    node_name = property(__get_node_name, __set_node_name, None,
-            """
-            Name of the node.
-            Usually, every node in a tree has a different name. Nodes may also
-            be unnamed (meaning a name of None).
-            @type: basestring
-            """)
-    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # Register with parents and ancestors if parent is changed
-    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def _set_parent_(self, parent):
-        if self.__node_name is not None:
-            self.__unregister()
-        Node._set_parent_(self, parent)
-        if self.__node_name is not None:
-            self.__register()
-    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # Helper methods to register/unregister with parent and ancestors
-    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def __register(self):
-        # register with parent
-        if isinstance(self.parent, NamedNode):
-            child_dict = self.parent.__named_children
-            if child_dict.has_key(self.__node_name):
-                raise DuplicateChildNameError, (self.__node_name, self.parent)
-            child_dict[self.__node_name] = self
-        # register with all ancestors that have a node_dict for this node type
-        ancestor = self.parent
-        while ancestor is not None:
-            if isinstance(ancestor, NamedNode):
-                if ancestor.__node_dicts.has_key(self._node_type_):
-                    node_dict = ancestor.__node_dicts[self._node_type_]
-                    if node_dict.has_key(self.__node_name):
-                        raise DuplicateDescendantNameError, (self.__node_name,
-                                self._node_type_, ancestor)
-                    node_dict[self.__node_name] = self
-            ancestor = ancestor.parent
-    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def __unregister(self):
-        # unregister with parent
-        if isinstance(self.parent, NamedNode):
-            del self.parent.__named_children[self.__node_name]
-        # unregister with all ancestors that have a node_dict for this node 
-        ancestor = self.parent
-        while ancestor is not None:
-            if isinstance(ancestor, NamedNode):
-                node_dicts = ancestor.__node_dicts
-                if node_dicts.has_key(self._node_type_):
-                    del ancestor.__node_dicts[self._node_type_]\
-                            [self.__node_name]
-            ancestor = ancestor.parent
-    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # Get child with the given node name
-    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def get_child(self, node_name):
-        """
-        Return the child node with the given node name
-        @param node_name: The node name of the desired child
-        @type node_name: basestring
-        @return: The child node with that node name, or C{None} if there is
-            no such child node.
-        @rtype: NamedNode or None
-        """
-        return self.__named_children.get(node_name)
-    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # Find first parent of a given node type
-    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def find_ancestor_of_type(self, node_type):
-        """
-        Return the nearest ancestor with the given node type.
-        This function searches through all ancestors (parent, parent of the
-        parent, etc.) of this node until it finds a node of the given node
-        type. If none of the ancestors is of the given type, None is returned.
-        If a node isn't an instance of a subclass of L{NamedNode}, it is
-        ignored, however the search is continued by its parent.
-        @param node_type: Node type to search for.
-        @type node_type: str
-        @return: Ancestor node of the given node type.
-        @rtype: NamedNode or None
-        """
-        checktype(node_type, str)
-        parent = self.parent
-        while parent is not None:
-            if isinstance(parent, NamedNode):
-                if parent._node_type_ == node_type:
-                    return parent
-            parent = parent.parent
-        return None
-    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # Find first descendant with a given node name
-    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def find_descendant(self, node_name):
-        """
-        Return the first descendant with the given node name.
-        This function searches through all descendants (children, children of
-        children, etc.) of this node until it finds a node with the given node
-        name. If none of the descendants has the given type, None is returned.
-        If a node isn't an instance of a subclass of L{NamedNode}, it is
-        ignored, however the search is continued by its children.
-        The search is first applied to the first child node, then to all
-        children of the first child node recursively, then to the next child
-        node, etc.
-        @param node_name: Node name to search for.
-        @type node_name: basestring
-        @return: Descendant node of the given node type.
-        @rtype: NamedNode or None
-        """
-        checktype(node_name, basestring)
-        # We need a helper function so we can traverse nodes not derived from
-        # NamedNode.
-        return self.__find_descendant(self, node_name)
-    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # Helper function for searching recursively through descendants
-    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def __find_descendant(self, node, node_name):
-        for child in node.children:
-            if isinstance(child, NamedNode):
-                if child.__node_name == node_name:
-                    return child
-            found = self.__find_descendant(child, node_name)
-            if found is not None:
-                return found
-    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # Find first descendant of a given node type
-    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def find_descendant_of_type(self, node_type):
-        """
-        Return the first descendant with the given node type.
-        This function searches through all descendants (children, children of
-        children, etc.) of this node until it finds a node of the given node
-        type. If none of the descendants is of the given type, None is
-        returned.
-        If a node isn't an instance of a subclass of L{NamedNode}, it is
-        ignored, however the search is continued by its children.
-        The search is first applied to the first child node, then to all
-        children of the first child node recursively, then to the next child
-        node, etc.
-        @param node_type: Node type to search for.
-        @type node_type: str
-        @return: Descendant node of the given node type.
-        @rtype: NamedNode or None
-        """
-        checktype(node_type, str)
-        # We need a helper function so we can traverse nodes not derived from
-        # NamedNode.
-        return self.__find_descendant_of_type(self, node_type)
-    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # Helper function for searching recursively through descendants
-    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def __find_descendant_of_type(self, node, node_type):
-        for child in node.children:
-            if isinstance(child, NamedNode):
-                if child._node_type_ == node_type:
-                    return child
-            found = self.__find_descendant_of_type(child, node_type)
-            if found is not None:
-                return found
-    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # Get node dictionary with all descendant nodes of a given type
-    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def get_node_dict(self, node_type):
-        """
-        Return a dictionary with all descendant nodes of the given node type.
-        The node names are the keys of the dictionary, and the node objects
-        are the values. Nodes without a node name aren't included in the
-        dictionary.
-        This function only works for node types that have been registered in
-        the L{_node_dicts_} list of the class of this node.
-        """
-        if node_type not in self.__node_dicts:
-            raise NodeDictNotAvailableError, (self.__node_name, self.__class__,
-                    node_type)
-        return self.__node_dicts[node_type]
-# =============================================================================
-# AttribNode class
-# =============================================================================
-class AttribNode(NamedNode):
-    """
-    A node in an n-ary tree with node attributes.
-    Every subclass of this class can define a set of valid attributes that
-    nodes of this subclass will have, of what type the attributes are, and what
-    default value these attributes will have.
-    TODO: document structure of _node_attribs_ dictionary, and give examples
-    how to use it (especially how to extend the inherited dictionary in
-    subclasses).
-    Instances of this class expose their attributes through dictionary access.
-    The attribute 'my_attr' of the object instance 'my_node' can be read and
-    written as C{my_node['my_attr']}.
-    On creation of new instances, attributes are initialized with their default
-    value, or with C{None} if no default value is defined.
-    Whenever an attribute value is set, it is typecast to the defined type. If
-    this typecast fails, the value is not changed, and an exception is raised.
-    Attribute types can not only be ordinary data types (like C{unicode},
-    C{str}, or C{int}, but they can also be subclasses of L{NamedNode}. In this
-    case, both C{my_node['my_attr'] = other_node} and
-    C{my_node['my_attr'] = 'other_node_name'} are valid, and will cause
-    C{my_node['my_attr']} to evaluate to other_node, provided that other_node
-    has a name of 'other_node_name', both my_node and other_node are in the
-    same tree, and the type of other_node is registered in the root node's
-    C{_node_dicts_} list.
-    """
-    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # Class variables
-    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    _node_attribs_ = {
-            'name': {
-                    'type': str,
-                    'label': u_("name"),
-                    'description': u_("Name of this element"),
-                    'default': None}}
-    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # Constructor
-    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def __init__(self, parent):
-        """
-        Initialize a new attributed node.
-        @param parent: Parent node.
-        @type parent: Node
-        """
-        NamedNode.__init__(self, parent)
-        #: Attributes
-        self.__attribs = {}
-        for (name, definition) in self._node_attribs_:
-            self.__attribs[name] = definition.get('default')
-    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # Dictionary style attribute access
-    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def __getitem__(self, name):
-        try:
-            definition = self._node_attribs_[name]
-        except KeyError:
-            raise InvalidAttributeError(self, name)
-        # if this is a reference to another node, look for it in the parent's
-        # node dictionary
-        target_type = definition['type']
-        # TODO: find node type for wanted class, look up name in root's node
-        # dictionary.
-        return self.__attribs[name]
-    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def __setitem__(self, name, value):
-        try:
-            definition = self._node_attribs_[name]
-        except KeyError:
-            raise InvalidAttributeError(self, name)
-        # typecast if necessary
-        target_type = definition['type']
-        # if this is a reference to another node, we need to store the name
-        if issubclass(target_type, NamedNode):
-            target_type = unicode
-        if not isinstance(value, target_type):
-            try:
-                value = target_type(value)
-            except Exception, e:
-                raise InvalidAttributeValueError(self, name, value, e)
-        # TODO: check if value is in list of allowed values if defined in
-        # _node_attribs_
-        self.__attribs[name] = value
-# =============================================================================
-# Self test code
-# =============================================================================
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Node class
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-def test_node_class():
-    # Descendant of Node used in test code
-    class TestNode(Node):
-        def __init__(self, parent, text):
-            Node.__init__(self, parent)
-            self.__text = text
-        def __str__(self):
-            return self.__text
-    # Build up our tree
-    root = TestNode(None, 'People')
-    monty_python = TestNode(root, 'Monty Python')
-    john_cleese = TestNode(monty_python, 'John Cleese')
-    TestNode(monty_python, 'Michael Palin')
-    TestNode(monty_python, 'Graham Chapman')
-    TestNode(monty_python, 'Terry Jones')
-    TestNode(monty_python, 'Terry Gilliam')
-    star_trek = TestNode(root, 'Star Trek')
-    TestNode(star_trek, 'James T. Kirk')
-    TestNode(star_trek, 'Mr. Spock')
-    TestNode(star_trek, 'Leonard McCoy')
-    # Test "children" property
-    print "The Monty Python group:"
-    for child in monty_python.children:
-        print "   ", child
-    # Test "parent" and "root" property
-    print john_cleese, "is a member of", john_cleese.parent
-    print "    and all are", john_cleese.root
-    # Test "walk" function
-    def printout(self, prefix):
-        print prefix, self
-    print "All nodes:"
-    root.walk(printout, "   ")
-    # Test "CircularReferenceError" exception
-    try:
-        monty_python.parent = john_cleese
-    except CircularReferenceError, error:
-        print "Correctly got an exception:", error
-    print monty_python, "has now a parent of", monty_python.parent
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# NamedNode class
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-def test_named_node_class():
-    # Descendants of NamedNode used in test code
-    class TextNode(NamedNode):
-        def __init__(self, parent, text):
-            NamedNode.__init__(self, parent)
-            self.node_name = text
-    class GroupNode(TextNode):
-        _node_type_ = 'group'
-        _node_dicts_ = ['man']
-    class ManNode(TextNode):
-        _node_type_ = 'man'
-    class WomanNode(TextNode):
-        _node_type_ = 'woman'
-    # Build up our tree
-    root = GroupNode(None, 'People')
-    monty_python = GroupNode(root, 'Monty Python')
-    john_cleese = ManNode(monty_python, 'John Cleese')
-    ManNode(monty_python, 'Michael Palin')
-    ManNode(monty_python, 'Graham Chapman')
-    ManNode(monty_python, 'Terry Jones')
-    ManNode(monty_python, 'Terry Gilliam')
-    WomanNode(monty_python, None)       # The woman whose name I can't remember
-    star_trek = GroupNode(root, 'Star Trek')
-    james_kirk = ManNode(star_trek, 'James T. Kirk')
-    ManNode(star_trek, 'Mr. Spock')
-    ManNode(star_trek, 'Leonard McCoy')
-    WomanNode(star_trek, 'Nyota Uhura')
-    ManNode(star_trek, None)    # The nameless security officer
-    wife = Node(james_kirk)     # Kirk's wife - unnamed node by intention
-    peter_kirk = ManNode(wife, 'Peter Kirk')   # Kirk's son
-    # Test "node_type" property
-    print james_kirk, "is node type", james_kirk.node_type
-    # Test "node_name" property
-    print james_kirk, "is node name", james_kirk.node_name
-    # Test "get_child" method
-    print "Terry Jones can be found:", monty_python.get_child('Terry Jones')
-    # Test "find_ancestor_of_type" method
-    print peter_kirk, "belongs to", peter_kirk.find_ancestor_of_type('group')
-    # Test "find_descendant" method
-    print "Peter Kirk can be found:", star_trek.find_descendant('Peter Kirk')
-    # Test "find_descendant_of_type" method
-    print "Nyota Uhura can be found:", \
-            star_trek.find_descendant_of_type('woman')
-    # Test "get_node_dict" method
-    print "All men of the Monty Python group:"
-    for (key, value) in monty_python.get_node_dict('man').items():
-        print "   ", key, "=", value
-    print "All men of the Star Trek group:"
-    for (key, value) in star_trek.get_node_dict('man').items():
-        print "   ", key, "=", value
-    print "All men of all groups:"
-    for (key, value) in root.get_node_dict('man').items():
-        print "   ", key, "=", value
-    # Test changing node name:
-    james_kirk.node_name = 'James Tiberius Kirk'
-    print "Now Kirk's node name has changed to", james_kirk.node_name
-    print "Now he can be found under the new name with get_child:", \
-            star_trek.get_child('James Tiberius Kirk')
-    print "Now he can be found under the new name with find_descendant:", \
-            root.find_descendant('James Tiberius Kirk')
-    print "He cannot be found under the old name any more:", \
-            star_trek.get_child('James T. Kirk'), "-", \
-            root.find_descendant('James T. Kirk')
-    print "He is in root's node_dict as 'James Tiberius Kirk':", \
-            'James Tiberius Kirk' in root.get_node_dict('man')
-    print "He is in root's node_dict as 'James T. Kirk':", \
-            'James T. Kirk' in root.get_node_dict('man')
-    # Test changing parent: get_child, get_node_dict for old and new
-    print "Making John Cleese a son of James Kirk's wife (ugh!)"
-    john_cleese.parent = wife
-    print "Now he can be found under Star Trek with find_descendant:", \
-            star_trek.find_descendant('John Cleese')
-    print "He cannot be found under Monty Python any more:", \
-            monty_python.get_child('John Cleese'), "-", \
-            monty_python.find_descendant('John Cleese')
-    print "He is in Star Trek's node_dict:", \
-            'John Cleese' in star_trek.get_node_dict('man')
-    print "He is in Monty Python's node_dict:", \
-            'John Cleese' in monty_python.get_node_dict('man')
-    # Test DuplicateChildNameError
-    try:
-        TextNode(star_trek, 'Nyota Uhura')
-    except DuplicateChildNameError, error:
-        print "Correctly got an exception:", error
-    new_uhura = WomanNode(wife, 'Nyota Uhura')          # this may not fail...
-    try:
-        new_uhura.parent = star_trek                    # ...but this must fail
-    except DuplicateChildNameError, error:
-        print "Correctly got an exception:", error
-    # Test DuplicateDescendantNameError
-    try:
-        TextNode(peter_kirk, 'Terry Jones')
-    except DuplicateDescendantNameError, error:
-        print "Correctly got an exception:", error
-    # Test NodeDictNotAvailableError
-    try:
-        root.get_node_dict('woman')
-    except NodeDictNotAvailableError, error:
-        print "Correctly got an exception:", error
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Run tests
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    test_node_class()
-    test_named_node_class()
-    # TODO: test_attrib_node_class()

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