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[Commit-gnuradio] [gnuradio] 03/18: polar: BEC channel construction opti

From: git
Subject: [Commit-gnuradio] [gnuradio] 03/18: polar: BEC channel construction optimized
Date: Tue, 8 Dec 2015 00:31:21 +0000 (UTC)

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

jcorgan pushed a commit to branch master
in repository gnuradio.

commit f32185874396775d8137c3d2a7662da0121cec47
Author: Johannes Demel <address@hidden>
Date:   Tue Dec 1 10:47:30 2015 +0100

    polar: BEC channel construction optimized
 .../python/fec/polar/   | 155 ++++++++++++++++++---
 1 file changed, 137 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

diff --git a/gr-fec/python/fec/polar/ 
index f8f960d..4b35602 100644
--- a/gr-fec/python/fec/polar/
+++ b/gr-fec/python/fec/polar/
@@ -51,22 +51,45 @@ def calc_one_recursion(iw0):
     return iw1
+def calculate_bec_channel_capacities_loop(initial_channel, block_power):
+        # compare [0, Arikan] eq. 6
+    iw = np.array([initial_channel, ], dtype=float)
+    for i in range(block_power):
+        iw = calc_one_recursion(iw)
+    return iw
+def calc_vector_capacities_one_recursion(iw0):
+    degraded = odd_rec(iw0)
+    upgraded = even_rec(iw0)
+    iw1 = np.empty(2 * len(iw0), dtype=degraded.dtype)
+    iw1[0::2] = degraded
+    iw1[1::2] = upgraded
+    return iw1
+def calculate_bec_channel_capacities_vector(initial_channel, block_power):
+    # compare [0, Arikan] eq. 6
+    # this version is ~ 180 times faster than the loop version with 2**22 
synthetic channels
+    iw = np.array([initial_channel, ], dtype=float)
+    for i in range(block_power):
+        iw = calc_vector_capacities_one_recursion(iw)
+    return iw
 def calculate_bec_channel_capacities(eta, block_size):
     # compare [0, Arikan] eq. 6
     iw = 1 - eta  # holds for BEC as stated in paper
-    iw = np.array([iw, ], dtype=float)
     lw = hf.power_of_2_int(block_size)
-    for i in range(lw):
-        iw = calc_one_recursion(iw)
-    return iw
+    return calculate_bec_channel_capacities_vector(iw, lw)
 def calculate_z_parameters_one_recursion(z_params):
-    z_next = np.zeros(2 * z_params.size)
-    for i in range(z_params.size):
-        z_sq = z_params[i] ** 2
-        z_next[2 * i] = 2 * z_params[i] - z_sq
-        z_next[2 * i + 1] = z_sq
+    z_next = np.empty(2 * z_params.size, dtype=z_params.dtype)
+    z_sq = z_params ** 2
+    z_low = 2 * z_params - z_sq
+    z_next[0::2] = z_low
+    z_next[1::2] = z_sq
     return z_next
@@ -80,6 +103,7 @@ def calculate_bec_channel_z_parameters(eta, block_size):
 def design_snr_to_bec_eta(design_snr):
+    # minimum design snr = -1.5917 corresponds to BER = 0.5
     s = 10. ** (design_snr / 10.)
     return np.exp(-s)
@@ -95,21 +119,116 @@ def bhattacharyya_bounds(design_snr, block_size):
     For BEC that translates to capacity(i) = 1 - bhattacharyya(i)
     :return Z-parameters in natural bit-order. Choose according to desired 
-    # minimum design snr = -1.5917 corresponds to BER = 0.5
-    s = 10 ** (design_snr / 10)  # 'initial z parameter'.
-    eta = np.exp(-s)
+    eta = design_snr_to_bec_eta(design_snr)
     return calculate_bec_channel_z_parameters(eta, block_size)
+def plot_channel_capacities(capacity, save_file=None):
+    block_size = len(capacity)
+    try:
+        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+        # FUN with matplotlib LaTeX fonts!
+        plt.rc('text', usetex=True)
+        plt.rc('font', family='serif')
+        plt.rc('figure', autolayout=True)
+        plt.plot(capacity)
+        plt.xlim([0, block_size])
+        plt.ylim([-0.01, 1.01])
+        plt.xlabel('synthetic channel number')
+        plt.ylabel('channel capacity')
+        # plt.title('BEC channel construction')
+        plt.grid()
+        plt.gcf().set_size_inches(plt.gcf().get_size_inches() * .5)
+        if save_file:
+            plt.savefig(save_file)
+    except ImportError:
+        pass  # only plot in case matplotlib is installed
+def plot_average_channel_distance(save_file=None):
+    eta = 0.5 #  design_snr_to_bec_eta(-1.5917)
+    powers = np.arange(4, 26)
+    try:
+        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+        import matplotlib
+        # FUN with matplotlib LaTeX fonts!
+        plt.rc('text', usetex=True)
+        plt.rc('font', family='serif')
+        plt.rc('figure', autolayout=True)
+        dist = []
+        medians = []
+        initial_channel = 1 - eta
+        for p in powers:
+            bs = int(2 ** p)
+            capacities = calculate_bec_channel_capacities(eta, bs)
+            avg_capacity = np.repeat(initial_channel, len(capacities))
+            averages = np.abs(capacities - avg_capacity)
+            avg_distance = np.sum(averages) / float(len(capacities))
+            dist.append(avg_distance)
+            variance = np.std(averages)
+            medians.append(variance)
+        plt.errorbar(powers, dist, yerr=medians)
+        plt.grid()
+        plt.xlabel(r'block size $N$')
+        plt.ylabel(r'$\frac{1}{N} \sum_i |I(W_N^{(i)}) - 0.5|$')
+        axes = plt.axes()
+        tick_values = np.array(axes.get_xticks().tolist())
+        tick_labels = np.array(tick_values, dtype=int)
+        tick_labels = ['$2^{' + str(i) + '}$' for i in tick_labels]
+        plt.xticks(tick_values, tick_labels)
+        plt.xlim((powers[0], powers[-1]))
+        plt.ylim((0.2, 0.5001))
+        plt.gcf().set_size_inches(plt.gcf().get_size_inches() * .5)
+        if save_file:
+            plt.savefig(save_file)
+    except ImportError:
+        pass
+def plot_capacity_histogram(design_snr, save_file=None):
+    eta = design_snr_to_bec_eta(design_snr)
+    # capacities = calculate_bec_channel_capacities(eta, block_size)
+    try:
+        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+        # FUN with matplotlib LaTeX fonts!
+        plt.rc('text', usetex=True)
+        plt.rc('font', family='serif')
+        plt.rc('figure', autolayout=True)
+        block_sizes = [32, 128, 512]
+        for b in block_sizes:
+            capacities = calculate_bec_channel_capacities(eta, b)
+            w = 1. / float(len(capacities))
+            weights = [w, ] * b
+            plt.hist(capacities, bins=b, weights=weights, range=(0.95, 1.0))
+        plt.grid()
+        plt.xlabel('synthetic channel capacity')
+        plt.ylabel('normalized item count')
+        print(plt.gcf().get_size_inches())
+        plt.gcf().set_size_inches(plt.gcf().get_size_inches() * .5)
+        if save_file:
+            plt.savefig(save_file)
+    except ImportError:
+        pass
 def main():
     print 'channel construction main'
-    n = 10
-    block_size = 2 ** n
-    design_snr = 1.0
+    n = 11
+    block_size = int(2 ** n)
+    design_snr = -1.59
     eta = design_snr_to_bec_eta(design_snr)
-    print(calculate_bec_channel_z_parameters(eta, block_size))
-    print(calculate_bec_channel_capacities(eta, block_size))
+    # print(calculate_bec_channel_z_parameters(eta, block_size))
+    # capacity = calculate_bec_channel_capacities(eta, block_size)
+    # plot_average_channel_distance()
+    calculate_bec_channel_z_parameters(eta, block_size)
 if __name__ == '__main__':

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