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[Dazuko-devel] 2.0.0-pre2

From: John Ogness
Subject: [Dazuko-devel] 2.0.0-pre2
Date: Mon, 06 Oct 2003 15:58:21 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.5) Gecko/20030917


I have just posted a new pre-release version of Dazuko, 2.0.0-pre2. This
version fixes some ugly compatibility issues that were improperly
handled. I have also managed to handle the ERESTART signal problems I
was having with FreeBSD. Non-registered processes will no longer catch
signals at the kernel level. This was not only causing a lot of unwanted
interrupts in applications, but it is also nearly impossible to manage.
I am very happy with the current solution.

I have also implemented the same signal handling scheme in Linux, even
though Linux never demonstrated this behaviour. I will leave the 1.2.x
series with the old scheme since I do not like fixing things that aren't
broken. ;)

Serious testing has now begun. I am running multiple daemons from
multiple applications simultaneously with the entire file system
included. I am doing this at home (FreeBSD) and at work (Linux).
Workstation tests seem to be much more brutal than server tests so I am
hoping this will shake out any bugs that may be hiding.

Even though running new 2.x applications with 1.x kernel modules
generates some ugly (though safe) warnings, running 1.x applications
with a 2.x kernel module works great. Although I will not be pushing too
hard for developers to start developing with the 2.x API, I will be
recommending that their applications are being delivered with the 2.x
kernel module. Once 2.0.0 is officially released, it will be important
that this version (at least of the kernel module) is gets circulated.

On a final note, Virus Bulletin 2003 in Toronto was awesome! I met a lot
of great guys and gave a very convincing presentation about Dazuko.
Things are going to start getting pretty exciting within the next 6 months!

John Ogness

Dazuko Maintainer

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