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the choice is yours 652

From: 1ouK3DBT0
Subject: the choice is yours 652
Date: 01 Feb 01 3:02:34 PM

Look, we don't want to waste your time.... or ours 

You must be determined to earn a bare minimum of 10,000 in the next 
30-45 days and to develop a net worth of over 1 million dollars cash
in the next 24-36 months. My mission is to help other people develop their life 
long dreams. And part of what I'm looking for are those people who are 
committed to that big of a picture and are not afraid to work for it.
                 We can help you.
                              OR YOUR DEBT LOAD!

                              NOT MLM or FRANCHISE

                      Don't bother to call unless you are serious.
             Learn the facts CALL 1-800-570-9232

                              EASY $10,000 in 30-45 DAYS

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