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DDD will not read files from working directory

From: Keith Ball
Subject: DDD will not read files from working directory
Date: Mon, 5 Mar 2001 19:31:23 -0800 (PST)

I am using DDD on linux 2.2 for C programs.
Whenever I call ddd in the directory of the program I am
debugging (for instance, "ddd prog.e" in  ~/progdir in tcsh)
the working directory (as confirmed by "pwd" typed into the 
GDB prompt, and in the File==>Change Directory menu option)
is the current working directory ($cwd) of my command shell
from which I call DDD. However, a call
to the "get_current_dir_name()" function in my C program 
returns my *home* directory, not the current one. Also, 
any files which the program attempts to open must either
be in the home directory, or have an absolute path
specified, which is extremely annoying and inefficient. 
Furthermore, any files I try to send to standard input, 
using a "< infile" argument in the "Run" window
or on the GDB command line won't be found unless I give 
an explicit path. 

So apparently,  DDD thinks one thing is my current directory
while GDB and/or my program thinks my *home* directory is.

Is there a way I can "work around" my program's inability
to inherit the proper working directory?

Please send a cc: to address@hidden if you have 
any suggestions. Thanks!

-- Keith

Dr. Keith Ball, Dill Group
Dept. of Pharm. Chem., UCSF
3333 California St, Ste 415
San Francisco, CA 94118-1944

 phone: (415) 476-8910         fax: (415) 502-4222
e-mail: address@hidden  http://dillgroup.ucsf.edu/~kdb

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