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Re: Information about DDD

From: Andreas Zeller
Subject: Re: Information about DDD
Date: 19 Apr 2001 12:31:21 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.0808 (Gnus v5.8.8) XEmacs/21.1 (Cuyahoga Valley)


Amit Patil <address@hidden> writes:

> This is amit patil from Knights Technology Holding, Inc India. We
> develop software products for semiconductor industries .I am currently
> using the DDD on Sun Solaris machine and I need DDD on Windows NT and
> Linux also. I wanted to know is DDD available on both the above
> platforms. and if yes then how can I get it.

Linux: no problem, see the DDD home page.
Windows NT: People have ported it (using the CygWin package), but right now,
this is pioneer work.

Best wishes,


Andreas Zeller     Universitaet Passau

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