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Problem with DDD under RedHat 8.0

From: Doug Farrell
Subject: Problem with DDD under RedHat 8.0
Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2002 15:11:09 -0500

Hi all,

We recently upgraded to RedHat 8.0 on our servers. We ar also continuing our 
development of C++ code on the new servers, and I've got a problem. We were 
using DDD as the debugger, but are now having a problem. When debugging C++ 
programs generated with g++ 3.2 (even simple test ones), we can't seem to get 
data to display in the data window. When I double click on a variable 
(particularly variables local to a function), I get a new item in the data 
display area, with the name of the variable I just selected, but (Disabled) 
appearing under it. For instance, if asset is the name of class instance of the 
Asset class, and I try to double click on asset in a local fuction, I get a 
small box in the data display that says 'Asset', and under that it says 
'(Disabled)'. I've tried recompiling my code with different debug options, but 
I don't get any different behavior than just compiling with g++ -g <filename>. 
If I double click on the (Disabled) word under the display box I get a message 
in the GDB console area saying 'Cannot access memory at address xxxxxxx' and 
then a message about disabling display 3 (where 3 is the display number of 
'asset') to avoid infinite recursion.

I'm using version 3.3.1 of ddd under RedHat 8.0 and gcc v 3.2. Any help anyone 
could offer would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance for your help,
Doug Farrell
Scholastic, Inc.

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