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Re: Problem compiling ddd from Subversion source on Fedora Core 5

From: Andrew Gaylard
Subject: Re: Problem compiling ddd from Subversion source on Fedora Core 5
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2006 08:36:29 +0200

On 10/24/06, Peter Wainwright <address@hidden> wrote:
It seems that the files vsl-gramma.C and vsl-gramma.h are rebuilt from
vsl-gramma.Y using bison followed by ./yacctoC. Unfortunately in Bison
(as found on FC5), yacc.c contains a declaration for free(void *).
yacctoC replaces free(x) by delete[] x, which corrupts this declaration
and produces "delete[] void *", which is meaningless.

The same problem is present in the trunk. The workaround is to use an
Bison (1.875). This version was used to generate vsl-gramma.C in the
Fedora DDD source RPM.


Thanks for investigating this.  I don't have FC5 around, so I can't really
follow this up.

Firstly: I see that the most recent release of bison is 2.3:
ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/bison/ Does the problem still occur with it?

If so, then we'll have to make a fix.  If not, then perhaps this was an
abberation in certain bison variations?  Then we can simply make
a note in the build process.  It seems odd (to me, anyway) that yacc
contains it's own declaration of free.  Is there no way (command-line
switch) to disable this behaviour?  Alternatively, perhaps yacctoC can
be made to remove the earlier free() declaration?


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