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Re: [Denemo-devel] Scheme script debugging

From: Andreas Schneider
Subject: Re: [Denemo-devel] Scheme script debugging
Date: Tue, 21 May 2013 23:10:18 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:10.0.12) Gecko/20130116 Icedove/10.0.12

Following your hints (I didn't quite understand the part about the local
variables) I progressed to this version:

(let ((tag "MarkupAtEnd")(themarkup #f))
        (d-DirectivePut-movementcontrol-override tag DENEMO_OVERRIDE_GRAPHIC)
        (d-DirectivePut-movementcontrol-display tag "MarkupAtEnd")
        (disp "checking previous markup ...")
        (if (d-Directive-movementcontrol? tag)
                ((let themarkup (d-DirectiveGet-movementcontrol-postfix 
"previous markup:" themarkup)
                ((let themarkup (""))(disp "first call detected"))
        (set! themarkup (d-GetUserInput (_ "MarkupAtEnd") (_ "Edit markup:")
        (disp themarkup)
        (d-DirectivePut-movementcontrol-postfix tag themarkup)
        (d-DirectivePut-movementcontrol-override tag DENEMO_OVERRIDE_AFFIX)
        (d-SetSaved #f)

There is still an error in lines 6 to 9 which prevents the script from
running, but I don't see what it is:

** (denemo:3105): WARNING **:
A script error for file/script
the throw arguments are

(scm_i_lreadparen #<unknown port>:14:2: end of file () #f)

** (denemo:3105): WARNING **:
The tag is


When I take those lines (6 to 9) out, it runs. A movement directive is
created, but the markup is put inside the movement after the layout
block, not directly after the movement (the "} %End of Movement" part in
the lilypond file) as I intended. No button is created (I remember I had
this (last) problem before, I will look into that when I got some sleep).


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