%% LilyPond file generated by Denemo version 2.0.11 %%http://www.gnu.org/software/denemo/ \version "2.18.0" CompactChordSymbols = {} #(define DenemoTransposeStep 0) #(define DenemoTransposeAccidental 0) DenemoGlobalTranspose = #(define-music-function (parser location arg)(ly:music?) #{\transpose c c#arg #}) titledPiece = {} AutoBarline = {} AutoEndMovementBarline = \bar "|." #(define DenemoTransposeStep 0) #(define DenemoTransposeAccidental 0) DenemoGlobalTranspose = #(define-music-function (parser location arg)(ly:music?) #{\transpose c c#arg #}) % The music follows MvmntIVoiceI = { f'2 c''\AutoBarline \AutoEndMovementBarline } MvmntIVoiceII = { a'8 b' c'' a' g'4. a'8\AutoBarline f'4 g'8 a' e' e'4. \AutoEndMovementBarline } MvmntIVoiceIII = { f2 c\AutoBarline d a \AutoEndMovementBarline } MvmntIIVoiceI = { d'1\AutoBarline s1*4/4 s1*4/4 s1*4/4 %5 \break s1*4/4 s1*4/4 s1*4/4 \skip 2 2 \break g'1\AutoBarline %10 s1*4/4 s1*4/4 1 \break s1*4/4 s1*4/4 %15 s1*4/4 d'2 \AutoBarline s1*4/4 } MvmntIIVoiceII = { \skip 2. a'4\AutoBarline f'1\AutoBarline g'\AutoBarline e'\AutoBarline %5 \skip 2. d'4\AutoBarline f'1\AutoBarline g'\AutoBarline a'\AutoBarline \skip 2. d''4\AutoBarline %10 c''1\AutoBarline d''\AutoBarline a'\AutoBarline \skip 2. a'4\AutoBarline c''1\AutoBarline %15 b'\AutoBarline a'~ \AutoBarline a' \AutoEndMovementBarline } MvmntIIVoiceIII = { e'1\AutoBarline d'~ \AutoBarline d'\AutoBarline c'\AutoBarline %5 d'\AutoBarline d'\AutoBarline e'\AutoBarline f'~ \AutoBarline f'\AutoBarline %10 a'2 g'\AutoBarline f'1\AutoBarline e'\AutoBarline f'\AutoBarline g'~ \AutoBarline %15 g'2 f'\AutoBarline e'1~ \AutoBarline e' \AutoEndMovementBarline } MvmntIIVoiceIV = { s1*4/4 s1*4/4 s1*4/4 s1*4/4 %5 s1*4/4 s1*4/4 s1*4/4 s1*4/4 s1*4/4 %10 s1*4/4 s1*4/4 s1*4/4 s1*4/4 s1*4/4 %15 s1*4/4 s1*4/4 s1*4/4 } %Default Score Layout \header{DenemoLayoutName = "Default Score Layout" instrumentation = \markup { \with-url #'"scheme:(d-BookInstrumentation)" "Full Score"} } \header { tagline = \markup {"C:\\Users\\joean\\Desktop\\denemo\\musicfiles\\ChurchMusic\\PS50IWillLeaveThisPlaceGelinauerror.denemo" on \simple #(strftime "%x" (localtime (current-time)))} dedication = ##f title = \markup \with-url #'"scheme:(DenemoSetTitles \"ScoreTitles\" 'title #t)" {Psalm 50: 24th Sunday Year C} subtitle = ##f subsubtitle = ##f instrument = ##f poet = ##f composer = ##f meter = ##f arranger = \markup \with-url #'"scheme:(DenemoSetTitles \"ScoreTitles\" 'arranger #t)" {Geoffrey Boulton Smith} tagline = ##f copyright = ##f piece = ##f opus = ##f } \layout {indent = 0} #(set-default-paper-size "a4") #(set-global-staff-size 20) \paper { print-all-headers = ##t } \score { %Start of Movement << \new ChordNames \MvmntIVoiceI \new PianoStaff << \set PianoStaff.instrumentName = #"Piano" %Start of Staff \new Staff = "Piano" << \new Voice = "VoiceIIMvmntI" { \clef treble \key c \major \time 4/4 \MvmntIVoiceII } %End of voice >> %End of Staff %Start of Staff \new Staff = "Piano" << \new Voice = "VoiceIIIMvmntI" { \clef bass \key c \major \time 4/4 \MvmntIVoiceIII } %End of voice >> %End of Staff >>%Brace End >> \header { dedication = ##f title = \markup \with-url #'"scheme:(d-GoToPosition 1 1 1 1)(DenemoSetTitles \"MovementTitles\" 'title #t)" {Response} subtitle = ##f subsubtitle = ##f instrument = ##f poet = ##f composer = ##f meter = ##f arranger = ##f tagline = ##f copyright = ##f piece = ##f opus = ##f } \layout { ragged-right=##f } } %End of Movement \score { %Start of Movement << \new ChordNames \MvmntIIVoiceI \new PianoStaff << \set PianoStaff.instrumentName = #"Piano" %Start of Staff \new Staff = "Piano" << \new Voice = "VoiceIIMvmntII" { \clef treble \key c \major \time 4/4 \MvmntIIVoiceII } %End of voice \new Voice = "VoiceIIIMvmntII" { \MvmntIIVoiceIII } %End of voice >> %End of Staff %Start of Staff \new Staff = "Piano" << \new Voice = "VoiceIVMvmntII" { \clef bass \key c \major \time 4/4 \MvmntIIVoiceIV } %End of voice >> %End of Staff >>%Brace End >> \header { title = ##f instrument = ##f dedication = ##f title = \markup \with-url #'"scheme:(d-GoToPosition 2 1 1 1)(DenemoSetTitles \"MovementTitles\" 'title #t)" {Verses} subtitle = ##f subsubtitle = ##f instrument = ##f poet = ##f composer = ##f meter = ##f arranger = ##f tagline = ##f copyright = ##f piece = ##f opus = ##f } } %End of Movement