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[dev-serveez] lecture reserve

From: Carrie Hernandez
Subject: [dev-serveez] lecture reserve
Date: Sun, 17 Sep 2006 05:31:39 +0200

The same applies to some extent to the dailypapers, and most of all to the radio. Downthe centre of the street there is generally running a little river ofurine. Every white man there has this thought stowedsomewhere or other in his mind. On the whole, adeadlock seems the likeliest thing.
Of course, such a régime will be Fascism. How much longer can we go onkidding these people?
He seldom shut up,though often requested to do so.
You do it at thebeginning by calling him an impracticable visionary. No gravestone, noname, no identifying mark of any kind. On the whole, adeadlock seems the likeliest thing.
A good many boys now regard them as old fashioned and slow.
It issignificant that as early as January of this year voluntary recruitinghad practically ceased.
Still, a whiteskin is always fairly conspicuous.
After a monthor two no one can even be certain where his own relatives are buried. It wasvery hot and the men had marched a long way.
I tore off a piece and he stowed it gratefully in some secret placeunder his rags.
When I first went to Yorkshire, some years ago, I imaginedthat I was going to a country of boors. No one would think of running cheaptrips to the Distressed Areas. Theyre the real rulers of this country, you know.
Later, if he still refuses to shut up,you change your tune and call him a traitor. When I first went to Yorkshire, some years ago, I imaginedthat I was going to a country of boors. Butthe look he gave me was not in the least the kind of look you mightexpect. No one would think of running cheaptrips to the Distressed Areas.
All of them are mummified withage and the sun, and all of them are tiny. How different it is from ours, and how immensely sounder! Justfancy a working-class boy of eighteen allowing himself to be caned! A good many boys now regard them as old fashioned and slow.
Still, a whiteskin is always fairly conspicuous. A carpenter sits cross-legged at a prehistoric lathe,turning chair-legs at lightning speed.
You can opposeFascism by bourgeois democracy, meaning capitalism. A working man has not that deadlyweight of family prestige hanging round his neck like a millstone.
It was the shy, wide-eyed Negro look, which actually is a look ofprofound respect.
And in the early days of the revolution the Spanish workersunderstood the issue very well.
Put in theircrudest form, the terms were: Crush the revolution or you get no morearms. And there wont be so many children, either,if the birth-controllers have their way.
The Gem in additionto its school story carries one or more adventure serial.

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