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[Discuss-gnuradio] Audio Questions

From: Michael Dickens
Subject: [Discuss-gnuradio] Audio Questions
Date: Sat, 26 Nov 2005 16:50:24 -0500

I'm working on gr-audio-osx (MacOS X 10.4 using "CoreAudio" or a related framework), and have some questions. I did a quick search of the email archive, but didn't come upon anything useful for this question in the first few pages of results (lots of other interesting stuff though). Should be pretty straight forward to create a basic source and sink, though I do have a few (should be) simple questions.

Looking at gr-audio-oss and gr-audio-alsa, it looks like I primarily have to define src/audio_osx_sink.[cc,h] and src/audio_osx_source. [cc,h]; the other files will follow from the changes made to these files.

Taking "sink" as an example, it looks like what I need to do is modify

1) "audio_osx_sink::audio_osx_sink" to open and start the audio channels, allocate any buffers, setup audio parameters 2) "audio_osx_sink::~audio_osx_sink" to close the channels, delete buffers, etc... 3) "audio_osx_sink::work" to "play" the incoming data to the output audio channels

Questions about "audio_osx_sink::work":
int audio_osx_sink::work (int noutput_items,
  gr_vector_const_void_star &input_items,
  gr_vector_void_star &output_items)

a) It looks like the audio input (input_items) is in float's; is this true?

b) On CoreAudio, I can open channels to use float's as inputs, and thus could use the audio input ( (input_items) directly for audio playback. I believe that CoreAudio doesn't copy the input buffer, but rather uses it as is; this can be done either a/synchronously. But: Do I need to copy the input data to a temporary buffer before playing, or will the input buffer (input_items) have a long enough life to allow for its playing? Can any other subroutine use this buffer simultaneously, or do all subroutines need to make a copy of it before doing their processing?

c) When does ::work get called? Is it on a regular period, no matter how much data has come in since the last time it was called? Or when enough data is available to fill a given buffer size?

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