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Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] out of memory, process killed

From: Eric Blossom
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] out of memory, process killed
Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2006 17:30:22 -0800
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.9i

On Fri, Mar 17, 2006 at 06:33:39PM -0600, Jim Lindstrom wrote:
> I'm using the USRP board and libusrp for some prototyping right now.  I'm
> running into some strange behavior where after my machine has been up for a
> while and I've used libusrp a fair ammount (after maybe a day or two of
> use), I start to get the process being killed and /var/log/messages
> reporting that the process ran out of memory.  I obviously assumed that the
> problem was in my code, but interestingly, the usrp's siggen python script
> has the same behavior.  Are there any known memleaks in past versions?  I'm
> using the 2.6 kernel and the previous gnuradio codebase.
> Is it possible that my userspace app is causing this behavior somehow?  Any
> suggestions for debugging this problem?  I'd be happy to provide more
> details (logs of /var/log/messages, etc) when I get back to work on Monday,
> if that would be of use to anyone in helping me diagnose the problem.
> jbl

Jim, I do know for a fact that there's a leak in the wxPython code.
It's in the wx.BufferedDC primitive.  I haven't yet cooked up a small
test case to send to the maintainers, but I'm positive about the
location of that leak.  (This one show up if you leave
usrp_wfm_rcv_pll running for a while).  You can see it grow a few KB
every few seconds with ps.

Do you have an example script that demonstrates the problem?
Can you reproduce it with no wxPython code?

Does the version of usrp_siggen that's in CVS leak for you?
What OS / distribution / etc are you using?


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