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[Discuss-gnuradio] Re: Help with Verilog

From: seph 004
Subject: [Discuss-gnuradio] Re: Help with Verilog
Date: Fri, 10 Nov 2006 00:55:06 -0800 (PST)

From: "Oussama Sekkat" <address@hidden>
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Help with Verilog
To: "seph 004" <address@hidden>
Cc: address@hidden
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Hi Lance,

On 11/7/06, seph 004 <address@hidden> wrote:
> Hi
> I've been bashing my head against this problem for a few weeks now, but I
> can't seem to figure it out. I've been making a few modifications to the
> verilog code, in particular the tx_buffer.v module. What I want to do is
> send a signal from the pc and trap it in the fpga. I've tried doing this by
> replacing the FIFO module with an ALTSYNCRAM module (generated by quartus).
> The idea is to capture the incoming signal in the RAM, and only transmit it
> when an external trigger is received. (for the external signal, I am using a
> changing register for now). I am using a slightly modified version of the
> test_usrp_standard_tx program to test my FPGA build. So far though, none of
> the signals I've tried to send have been transmitted (I have a scope on the
> daughterboard output). Below is the modified module:

Did you make sure that the output debug pins, that your logic analyzer is
connected to, have been enabled?

module tx_buffer
>   ( input usbclk,
>     input bus_reset,  // Used here for the 257-Hack to fix the FX2 bug
>     input reset,  // standard DSP-side reset
>     input ptr_reset, //reset the read pointer to transmit same signal
> again
>     input [15:0] usbdata,
>     input wire WR,
>     output wire have_space,
>     output wire done, //indicates when the whole waveform has been sent
>     output reg tx_underrun,
>     input wire [3:0] channels,
>     output reg [15:0] tx_i_0,
>     output reg [15:0] tx_q_0,
>     output reg [15:0] tx_i_1,
>     output reg [15:0] tx_q_1,
>     output reg [15:0] tx_i_2,
>     output reg [15:0] tx_q_2,
>     output reg [15:0] tx_i_3,
>     output reg [15:0] tx_q_3,
>     input txclk,
>     input txstrobe,
>     input clear_status,
>     input start, //start sending the waveform
>     output [15:0] debugbus
>     );
>    reg [8:0] write_count;
>    wire [15:0] ramdata;
>    wire rdreq;
>    reg [11:0] wrptr;  //write address
>    reg [11:0] rdptr;  //read address
>    reg [3:0] load_next;
>    // DAC Side of FIFO
>    assign    rdreq = ((load_next != channels) & start);
>    assign    done = (rdptr == wrptr);
>    always @(posedge txclk)
>      if(reset | ptr_reset)
>        begin
>       {tx_i_0,tx_q_0,tx_i_1,tx_q_1,tx_i_2,tx_q_2,tx_i_3,tx_q_3}
>         <= #1 128'h0;
>       load_next <= #1 4'd0;
>       rdptr <= #1 12'd0;
>        end // (reset |ptr_reset)
>      else
>        if((load_next != channels) & start)
>      begin
>         rdptr <= #1 rdptr + 1;
>         load_next <= #1 load_next + 4'd1;
>         case(load_next)
>           4'd0 : tx_i_0 <= #1 ramdata;
>           4'd1 : tx_q_0 <= #1 ramdata;
>           4'd2 : tx_i_1 <= #1 ramdata;
>           4'd3 : tx_q_1 <= #1 ramdata;
>           4'd4 : tx_i_2 <= #1 ramdata;
>           4'd5 : tx_q_2 <= #1 ramdata;
>           4'd6 : tx_i_3 <= #1 ramdata;
>           4'd7 : tx_q_3 <= #1 ramdata;
>         endcase // case(load_next)
>      end // if ((load_next != channels) & start)
>        else if(txstrobe & (load_next == channels))
>      begin
>         load_next <= #1 4'd0;
>      end
>    // USB Side of FIFO
>    assign have_space = 1'b1;  //quick fix for now. (wrptr <=  4000) not
> functioning
>    always @(posedge usbclk)
>      if(bus_reset)        // Use bus reset because this is on usbclk
>        write_count <= #1 0;
>      else if(reset)
>        wrptr <= #1 12'd0;
>      else if(WR & ~write_count[8])
>        begin
>          wrptr <= #1 wrptr + 1;  //move to next address to write
>          write_count <= #1 write_count + 9'd1;
>        end
>      else
>        write_count <= #1 WR ? write_count : 9'b0;
>    // Detect Underruns
>    always @(posedge txclk)
>      if(reset)
>        tx_underrun <= 1'b0;
>      else if(txstrobe & (load_next != channels))
>        tx_underrun <= 1'b1;
>      else if(clear_status)
>        tx_underrun <= 1'b0;
>    // RAM
>    signal_ram signal_ram
>      ( .data ( usbdata ),
>        .wren ( WR & ~write_count[8] ),
>        .wrclock ( usbclk ),
>        .wraddress ( wrptr ),
>        .q ( ramdata ),
>        .rden ( rdreq ),
>        .rdclock ( txclk ),
>        .rdaddress ( rdptr ),
>        .wr_aclr ( reset ),  // asynch, so we can use either
>        .rd_aclr ( reset )
>       );
>    // Debugging Aids
>    assign debugbus[11:0] = wrptr;
>    assign debugbus[12] = start;
>    assign debugbus[13] = rdreq;
>    assign debugbus[14] = done;
>    assign debugbus[15] = ptr_reset;
> endmodule // tx_buffer
> It's probably something simple I've missed, I'm pretty new to verilog. Any
> help would be greatly appreciated.
> Regards
> Lance


Thanks for taking a look. I have made sure to enable my outputs, and I can see the effects of changes to the verilog. I am still having trouble with the transmitting though. I know what the wave I'm transmitting is supposed to look like on the scope (it's the same as the normal std_2rxhb_2tx.rbf and the test_usrp_standard_tx.) the only difference is my FPGA build will hold the signal in tx_buffer, instead of streaming to the tx_chain module immediately.



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