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Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Help with Cordic.v

From: Jeff Brower
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Help with Cordic.v
Date: Sun, 25 Nov 2007 02:13:07 -0600


> I needed some help with Verilog Cordic code.(cordic.v and
> cordic_stage.v) I do understand the Cordic Logic, but was having some
> trouble with the pipelined code implementation of cordic.v . My
> questions start with Q --.
> In cordic.v:
> ------------------
> 16 bit vector xi, yi and zi are passed as input.  Then cordic
> constants are pre-defined.
> Q -- Not sure what "wire [bitwidth+1:0] xi_ext =
> {{2{xi[bitwidth-1]}},xi};" statement is doing. Is it just normal
> concatenation and assignment?
> Now, @posedge  clock, if reset is set, then x0, y0, z0 is initialized
> to '0'.  Next, when enable is set, z0 is assigned all bits except the
> first two. And the first 2 bits are used for the case statement.
> Q -- My understanding is that in this case statements, the first 2
> bits are used to determine the quadrants and accordingly adjust the
> quadrant (angle) for  xi_ext and yi_ext by 90 or 180 or 270 or 360
> degree.. But I am not sure. Any comments ?
> Then many instances of cordic_stage are defined and they are passed
> input values x0, y0, z0 and constants c00 etc.
> Q -- I am not sure what "#(bitwidth+2,zwidth-1,0)" in this instance
> definition does. My understanding is that  # value is used to define
> some delay.

It would seem that each cordic_stage instance has a rise delay of bitwidth+2, 
delay of zwidth-1, and turn-off delay one tick longer than the previous stage.  
might guess this was helpful somehow during simulation debug... but it doesn't 
synthesis / actual circuit behavior.


> In cordic_stage.v
> -------------------------
> if reset is set then xo, y0 and zo are set to 0. And when enable is
> set, value of z is checked. My understanding of cordic logic is that,
> if say that current angle is 45, and desired is 20, then subtract from
> the current angle, and make corresponding adjustments on x axis and y
> axis variables.
> Q -- This statement checks if "z_is_pos" and does next operation
> respectively. I am not sure what "xi -
> {{shift+1{yi[bitwidth-1]}},yi[bitwidth-2:shift]}" is actually doing.
> My understanding of cordic is that based on angle adjustments,
> operations of multiples of 2 are carried out on x-axis and y-axis
> variable. And {} statement are used for concatenation in verilog.
> Again, in cordic.v
> ---------------------------
> xo, yo and zo are in continuous assignment mode and are updated
> everytime a x12, y12 or z12 value changes respectively.
> Q – Not exactly sure how the exact desired angle is obtained in
> cordic.v. The algorithm that I read, made continous adjustments on
> 'current angle' so that it converged to the desired angle. I don't see
> that step happening in cordic.v
> I am extremely sorry if I might have annoyed you by asking so many
> questions. But, any help with the above questions will immensely help
> me.
> Thank you.
> Ronald.

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