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Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Help with RA please

From: Marcus Leech
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Help with RA please
Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2007 12:58:38 -0500
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20071115)

address@hidden wrote:
> Hi,
> I am running UBUNTU 7.10 and gnuradio-3.1.1. for USRP.   The fm radio 
> works fine.  However, when I try running radio astronomy I receive the 
> following.  Can someone help please.
> Thank you,
> Frank
> England
You need pyephem installed on your system:


Run "setup.py install" as root, and it'll install it where you need it.

Also, I've attached some scripts I use for invoking the usrp_ra stuff,
but which aren't in the Gnu Radio base code yet.

Please feel free to contact me privately if you have further
problems--I'm the author of the Radio Astronomy stuff.

# --decim decimation factor to divide 64e6 megasamples down to lower bandwidth
# --freq tuner frequency
# --avg spectral averaging
# --favg folder (synchronous detector) averaging count for pulse profile
# --gain RF gain setting (roughly 0.5dB/unit, but non-linear)
# --reflevel reference level for pulse profile display
# --lowest lowest frequency bin (Hz) considered "valid" for HCM analysis
# --longitude geographic longitude of observing station
# --latitude geographic latitude of observing station
# --threshold threshold above average (dB) to be considered in HCM analysis
# --lowpass highest frequency bin (Hz) in spectral profile
# --pulsefreq  the frequency (Hz) of the pulsar to be monitored--unadjusted
#               for LSR.
# --dm Dispersion Measure (DM)
# --divbase base increment for divisions in pulse-profile display
# --division initial division in pulse-profile display
# --fft_size size of post-detector FFT
# --audio_source device specification of audio output device
type=`uname -p`
if [ $type == "x86_64" ]
usrp_psr_receiver.py --decim 128 --freq 1417.000e6 --avg 5 --favg 5 --gain 60 
--reflevel 8500 --lowest 0.5 --longitude -76.03 --latitude 44.95 --threshold 
10.0 --lowpass 5 --pulsefreq 0.748 --dm 12.75 --divbase 100 --division 250 
--fft_size 1024 --audio_source plughw:0,0
# Invoke Continuum/Spectral application from gr-radio-astronomy
type=`uname -p`
if [ $type == "x86_64" ]

# --freq tuner frequency in Hz
# --decim decimation factor 64e6 / decim == final bandwidth
# --avg spectral averaging
# --integ continuum integration time
# --gain RF amplifier gain
# --reflevel maximum level in continuum display
# --division which Y/div to set initially
# --divbase each of the 5 slots in the Y/div menu is multiples of this number
# --longitude geographic longitude
# --latitude geographic latitude
# --ylabel what to label the Y axis
# --calib_offset raw continuum numbers are offset by this after coeff
# --calib_coeff raw continuum numbers are multiplied by this before offset
# --stripsize size (in seconds) of the continuum strip chart
# --fft_size how big to make the FFT
# --fft_rate what rate to run FFTs at.  Between 5 and 15 is usual
# --prefix prefix to use when storing data logging file
#NOTCHES="--notches 1416.975e6 1417.210e6 1417.450e6 1417.710e6"
usrp_ra_receiver.py --freq 1420.40575e6 --decim 8 --avg 100 --integ 45 --gain 
63 --reflevel 1.5e6 --division 50000.000 --divbase 5000.000 --longitude 
-76.0443 --latitude 44.968 --ylabel "D(Jy) x 200" --calib_coeff 5 
--calib_offset 0 --stripsize 3600 --fft_size 2048 --fft_rate 10 --prefix 
$HOME/astro_data $NOTCHES
# Invoke Continuum/Spectral application from gr-radio-astronomy in SETI
#   mode
# --freq tuner frequency in Hz
# --decim decimation factor 64e6 / decim == final bandwidth
# --avg spectral averaging
# --integ continuum integration time
# --gain RF amplifier gain
# --reflevel maximum level in continuum display
# --division which Y/div to set initially
# --divbase each of the 5 slots in the Y/div menu is multiples of this number
# --longitude geographic longitude
# --latitude geographic latitude
# --ylabel what to label the Y axis
# --calib_offset raw continuum numbers are offset by this after coeff
# --calib_coeff raw continuum numbers are multiplied by this before offset
# --stripsize size (in seconds) of the continuum strip chart
# --fft_size how big to make the FFT
# --fft_rate what rate to run FFTs at.  Between 5 and 15 is usual
# --prefix prefix to use when storing data logging file
# --setimode turn on SETI analyser on spectral output
# --seti_k set value of 'k' (sigma) for SETI analyser
# --waterfall use waterfall, rather than conventional, spectral display
# --seti_range total width of SETI scan, in Hz.  Default 1.0e6
type=`uname -p`
if [ $type == "x86_64" ]
usrp_ra_receiver.py --freq 1420.40575e6 --decim 256 --avg 20 --integ 15 --gain 
64 --reflevel 1670.0 --division 1.000 --divbase 0.250 --longitude -76.0443 
--latitude 44.968 --ylabel "(V^2)/P" --calib_coeff 0.00244 --calib_offset 0.0 
--stripsize 3600 --fft_size 32768 --fft_rate 3 --prefix $HOME/astro_data 
--setimode --setik 3.5 --setibandwidth 50000 --waterfall --seti_range 1.0e6

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