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[Discuss-gnuradio] Phase accumulator

From: Sebastiaan Heunis
Subject: [Discuss-gnuradio] Phase accumulator
Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2008 23:13:24 +0200


I had a look at some of the Verilog again.  For a decimation of 8,
decim_strobe pulses every 64MHz/4 when FR_DECIM_RATE is equal to 3, so
this is correct.  hb_strobe will then be 16MHz/2.  I'm looking at the
phase_acc and cordic now.  When the DDC gets set to -20MHz as is the
case when we're using a 7901 tvrx, we have the following c++ code to
calculate the value to write to the FPGA:

compute_freq_control_word_fpga (double master_freq, double target_freq,
                                double *actual_freq, bool verbose)
  static const int NBITS = 14;

  int   v = (int) rint (target_freq / master_freq * pow (2.0, 32.0));

  if (0)
    v = (v >> (32 - NBITS)) << (32 - NBITS);    // keep only top NBITS

  *actual_freq = v * master_freq / pow (2.0, 32.0);

  if (verbose)
    fprintf (stderr,
             "compute_freq_control_word_fpga: target = %g  actual = %g  delta = 
             target_freq, *actual_freq, *actual_freq - target_freq);

  return (unsigned int) v;

v then gets written to FR_RX_FREQ_0.  This is used for the phase
accumulator.  For -20MHz, v = 2952790016.  In the phase accumulator,
we have:

setting_reg #(FREQADDR)

   always @(posedge clk)
       phase <= #1 32'b0;
     else if(serial_strobe & (serial_addr == PHASEADDR))
       phase <= #1 serial_data;
     else if(enable & strobe)
       phase <= #1 phase + freq;

so when serial_strobe = 1 and serial_addr is the address of
FR_RX_FREQ_0, freq gets the value 2952790016?  enable comes from
rx_enable which gets set in master_control.  strobe comes from
sample_strobe, which gets set to 1 in master_control.  So on the first
clock pulse after writing to FR_RX_FREQ_0, phase will be 2952790016?
This value keeps on getting added to phase on every clock pulse?
Phase is 32 bits, so is the value then truncated?  I know that the top
16 bits of phase is used in cordic.v.

So does the following happen:  phase gets added each clock pulse, the
overflow is discarded and cordic uses the top 16 bits of phase?  At
the next clock pulse, phase changes, so phase[31:16] that enters
cordic is different?  Or does phase get a once-off value that is used
in cordic.v?  The word 'accumulator' gives me the idea that something
keeps on getting added.

Then another question to anyone who has used the cordic testbed.  In
cordic_tb.v included with Gnuradio, we have `include "sine.txt".  I'm
assuming that for a 20MHz signal that needs to be mixed down, this
will be a text file with samples of a 20MHz sine wave sampled at
64MHz?  So I can just generate it in Octave or Matlab and use it to
run the testbed?

Thank you very much for the help.


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