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Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] DPSK Block - Verifying Received Message

From: Paul M. Bendixen
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] DPSK Block - Verifying Received Message
Date: Fri, 9 Dec 2011 18:48:05 +0100

2011/12/9 John Malsbury <address@hidden>

Whenever you are transferring data from a transmitter to a receiver it is reasonable to use some sort of framing.  If you want  a quick test, use a packet encoder and decoder on your transmitter and receiver, respectively.  This will packetize the data and eliminate the continuous flow of "garbage" data to your file since the decoder will only output data from valid packets(w/ header + crc are removed).  Bit errors will manifest themselves as a "short file", since bad packets will be discarded.  If you run the block in verbose mode there may also be reporting for when packets are discarded. 

Set the payload length number in the encoder so you have a known relationship between the number of bytes missing from the file and the number of packet errors.

There are numerous ways to improve this simple test, but this is a start for you.  Also, you may want to perform a more fundamental bit error test.  See error rate block.

Just a word of warning:
If you use the package en/decoder and the BER block , it might just go haywire
The BER block cannot regain from a missing frame (which would be the case if the framer threw it away) 


On 12/09/2011 07:29 AM, Domenic Magazu III wrote:
   I was playing around with the DPSK block provided with GNU Radio.  I was able to get my two USRPs talking to each other.  I placed a file sink on the random source generator (set to transmit 10 random binary digits) and I'm able to see what was actually sent from that file (command: od -d filename.bin).  I was curious how I go about verifying that the message in my filename.bin is received as transmitted on the other end?  I tried placing a file sink on the DPSK demod block however because the receiver is constantly pulling in information my file becomes extremely large and it's difficult to determine where the message would be amongst the other 'noise'.  Does anyone have any ideas on how to verify my transmitted message is making it to my receiver? 

Thank you
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