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[Discuss-gnuradio] Tutorial 1 (C++) QA testing

From: Brooke Hayden
Subject: [Discuss-gnuradio] Tutorial 1 (C++) QA testing
Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2013 14:59:15 -0500


I'm creating a C++ block using the first tutorial like you assumed. I have re-done this tutorial about 10 times now. I have the latest version of GNU Radio installed. The part in the tutorial you pointed out is most likely the problem, but I don't know how. My QA code is as follows:
from gnuradio import gr, gr_unittest
import howto_swig as howto

class qa_square_ff (gr_unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp (self):
        self.tb = gr.top_block ()

    def tearDown (self):
        self.tb = None

    def test_001_square_ff (self):
        src_data = (-3, 4, -5.5, 2, 3)
        expected_result = (9, 16, 30.25, 4, 9)
        src = "">        sqr = howto.square_ff()
        dst= gr.vector_sink_f()
        self.tb.connect(src, sqr)
        self.tb.connect(sqr, dst)
        result_data = dst.data()
        self.assertFloatTuplesAlmostEqual(expexted_result, result_data, 6)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    gr_unittest.run(qa_square_ff, "qa_square_ff.xml")

One thing that is confusing in the tutorial is the following:
So, we open python/qa_square_ff.py, which we edit to look like this:

Check out this code, which we save as python/qa_howto.py (only the modified portion is shown):

I'm not sure if I need to edit and save qa_square_ff.py, create qa_howto,py, or do both. If you, or someone else, has a gr-howto folder that works I would like to compare and see what is happening.


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