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Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] ZedBoard GNU Radio image boot problems

From: Nowlan, Sean
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] ZedBoard GNU Radio image boot problems
Date: Thu, 4 Sep 2014 20:10:11 +0000


On Wed, Sep 3, 2014 at 4:30 PM, Nowlan, Sean <address@hidden> wrote:

I’m trying to boot a ZedBoard with the GNU Radio image here: http://gnuradio.org/data/sdk/zedboard_armv7a-hf-vfp-neon/. I picked the hard float image even though the tutorial points to the soft float image (http://gnuradio.org/redmine/projects/gnuradio/wiki/Zynq). I don’t know why I’d want the soft float image since using the FPU will be much faster.


There's a bug in ORC on hard float. So we were looking into soft float + ORC or hard flow - ORC. Now that we've checked in all of Nathan's NEON VOLK kernels to GNU Radio, we mostly cover all of the cases where we were benefiting from ORC.


Bottom line, at this point in the development, use hard float. We will likely stop all support of soft float images in the future.



I followed the directions at the aforementioned tutorial except I renamed “u-boot.bin” to “BOOT.BIN” and “uImage-zedboard-zynq7.dtb” to “devicetree.dtb”. I could not get the board to boot. The USB-to-UART triggers cdc_acm to load /dev/ttyACM0 on my Linux host PC, but there is no activity over serial. I’m confident the board is not dead because I am able to boot from the preloaded SD card that came with the ZedBoard development kit. Does anybody have any suggestions? It seems like either some step is missing or I am misunderstanding a step in the tutorial.



Sean Nowlan


u-boot.bin != BOOT.BIN. I know it feels like it should, but it's missing the first stage boot loader (fsbl). There are licensing issues with distributing that ourselves. I might have the details slightly wrong since it's been a while. But basically, follow the instructions on the Zynq wiki you linked to above to build your of fsbl file and properly build your own boot.bin. Then DON'T LOSE THAT FILE. That'll be pretty much permanent for your uses. You did the right thing with the device tree file, as that might be updated and changed and we'll continue providing that.




Ok. I was afraid of that, but it’s not clear in the tutorial. Also, I see the process for building BOOT.BIN in Appendix A. I think things would be more clear if the “Pre-built” wiki section had a paragraph explicitly referring to Appendix A as a necessary step before using pre-built images (second stage boot loader, kernel, boot parameters, rootfs, etc.) for everything else. In my mind it seemed like that step only applied if doing a full OpenEmbedded build.




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