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[Discuss-gnuradio] Fwd: Crash some time after running 2 channel full dup

From: Saulo Queiroz
Subject: [Discuss-gnuradio] Fwd: Crash some time after running 2 channel full duplex B210
Date: Tue, 24 Nov 2015 21:54:03 +0000


I got the following message after some (random) period of time running a grc example (derived from gr-ieee802-11) on B210.

 gr uhd usrp source0 - USRP Source Block caught rx error code: 2

In my grc I have one Sink and one Source UHD block. Both has 2 active channels configured as below:

master_clock_rate=15.36e6 and Sample rate= 7.68e6

Ch0: Center Freq (for both sink and source)
uhd.tune_request(5.6e9 + 2.5e6 , rf_freq = 5.6e9, rf_freq_policy = uhd.tune_request.POLICY_MANUAL)

Ch1: Center Freq (for both sink and source)
uhd.tune_request(5.6e9 - 2.5e6 , rf_freq = 5.6e9, rf_freq_policy =  uhd.tune_request.POLICY_MANUAL)
With this I intend to enable B210 to keep simultaneously independent TXs through different channels while receiving through these same channels (I don't care about cross talk now). Does it sound right? Is this feasible on B210?
If im not missing something, this succeeds for a while before I get the error message.

Ubuntu 14.04, usb 3.0 (b210 alone in the bus), UHD_003.009.000-0-gcd88f80f

many thanks,

Saulo Jorge bq
- "Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct, not tried it." 
Donald Knuth.

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