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Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Hello GNURadio from the Amateur Radio World

From: Nick Foster
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Hello GNURadio from the Amateur Radio World
Date: Sat, 26 May 2018 23:59:04 +0100


Do you have a specific problem we can try to help you with? "Not pleasant" gives us very little to chew on. 


On Sat, May 26, 2018, 9:20 PM Will Gilliam <address@hidden> wrote:
Hello Peoples, I just signed up for the discuss list, so I thought I would introduce myself

My name is Will Gilliam and I am a FCC licensed General amateur radio operator. (Ki7OXA) 

My first draw into GNURadio was the possibility of operating a high frequency 5W radio
built from a Raspberry Pi 3, an Soundcard SDR radio. I love the idea of embedded computing, SDR radios and GNURadio. Its small, its portable, and because it involves a computer, the radio can be anything, even a modem. Add amateur radio license, even the Element 2 technicians, your still having fun VHF and up...

Doing anything on a large computer is easy. Got more work? throw more cpu time on the task, but anyone that tinkers within the Embedded world, you know you really can't do that to a large degree.

My experience with GNURadio is so far self taught and not pleasant. I am uncertain if my poor experiences are from lack of experience, not enough computer power, or a mix of both.

Is there anyone that is using raspberry pi's and GNURadio on any sort of realtime projects? Is there a better board to use or one that GNURadio is going to try to support?

Look forward to learning and chatting with you all

Will Gilliam
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