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Re: Localize GWorkspace

From: Nicola Pero
Subject: Re: Localize GWorkspace
Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2001 17:58:00 +0100 (BST)

> I was thinking that I could localize GWorkspace in four languages,
> English, Italian, Romanian, and Spanish...
> Unfortunately, I can't find any example on how to use NSLocalizedString(),
> how to add support for specifics chars (Romanian), and how to organize the
> four tables.  I don't either know where to put them :-)
> Can somebody help?
> I remember that Nicola wrote something about this on the list, but I don't
> have the old messages anymore.

You may take Gomoku.app as an example - it is localized, in English
Italian French Swedish I think.  I used the gnustep macro _() to quickly
localize but that's only my personal preference - please use
NSLocalizedString (xxx, @"") or even better NSLocalizedString (xxx,
comment) if you have time to write comments (which are unfortunately
ignored for now, but will be taken into account in the future).

There is a problem - very unpleasant - though - which is that we don't yet
have a reliable set of tools to generate and manage the
Localizable.strings file - this means you have to prepare and update the
Localizable.strings files by hand ... this is what I did with Gomoku.

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