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Re: NSConnection, TCP and compatibility

From: e.sammer
Subject: Re: NSConnection, TCP and compatibility
Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2001 01:24:07 -0500
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Philippe C.D. Robert wrote:

> On Wed, 14 Nov 2001 03:32:41 -0500
> If you do not need high speed communication then why not investigate in SOAP
>  or xml-rpc? I once wrote a SOAP server for a project within a short amount
>  of time using expat. This was kind of cool - and you could communicate
> with any software talking SOAP, not just ObjC/Cocoa/GS apps.
> -Phil

the reason xml-rpc isn't an option is security. the reason soap isn't an option is speed. all of the communication in my apps would be using OpenSSL to encrypt all traffic, so many of the other protocols aren't suitable solutions. i fear that an abstraction / rewrite may be in order. of course, i could be wrong since my (working) knowledge of xml-rpc and soap are limited, but i'm not crazy about the technical specifications of either one.

that said, thanks for the help anyway as i will still consider these two methods as an alternative.

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