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Re: Proposal question.

From: Nicola Pero
Subject: Re: Proposal question.
Date: Thu, 9 May 2002 13:03:01 +0100 (BST)

> > The general idea is that that is done via unix-like configuration files,
> > basically a very simple ~/.GNUsteprc.
> What's wrong with:
>        . /usr/local/GNUstep/System/Makefiles/GNUstep.sh
>        export GNUSTEP_USER_ROOT=$HOME/GNU-I-prefer-it-named-such-STEP 

Good question :-) - it's technical and I suppose there must already be a
long thread archived about that somewhere.

I'm likely not good at explaining that - anyway, basically, to support
properly the API and programs changing user, gnustep-base needs to be able
to determine the gnustep user root dir of a generic user (particularly, of
a user which is not the user the library originally started as).

If the generic user customizes his own gnustep user root dir by setting a
shell variable in his ~/.bashrc or ~/.profile ... there is no way we can
get it from inside gnustep-base running originally for another user.

Setting it inside a ~/.GNUsteprc solves the problem.

It's not particularly more complicated than setting GNUSTEP_USER_ROOT ...
actually maybe even easier - and likely much easier to be changed/setup in
a reliable but automatical way by software.

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