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Re: Menu (Was: Re: Unimplemented AppKit classes)

From: David Ayers
Subject: Re: Menu (Was: Re: Unimplemented AppKit classes)
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2003 10:41:47 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.3a) Gecko/20021212

Stefan Urbanek wrote:

On 2003-01-23 01:38:41 +0100 Alan West <alan@alanz.com> wrote:

After all an XML description of the user interface should be platform independant.

.gorm is not platform independen? If not, why? If it is because of lack of .gorm file reader, then i do not see it as a problem of .gorm file.

.gorm (just like .nib) uses NSCoding and that is inherently library/framework dependant, as the "coding information" on how a specific object is encoded and decoded is part of the concrete implementation of the library/framework. Now I'm not sure whether Gorm.app compiles agains OS X/4.2 Foundation/AppKit, but if it did, anyone creating .gorm files with that version will create files that only work with OS X/4.2 Foundation/AppKit. Also using libFoundation instead of base will produce a different .gorm format (unless care was taken that they have identical coding code). This is inherent of using NSCoding for archiving.

To have a plattform independant format for archiving objects (not merely UI objects), the "coding information" (i.e. the knowledge of how a concrete object is represented) must be independant of the framework/library which implements them. This could either mean the format is public and everone adheres to it or it has to be implemented independant of the library/framework which contains the objects to be archived. Now I haven't had time to look at Renaissance yet, but it seems promising: If all the "coding information" is within this extension then it is the answer to technical plattform independance for standard objects. If it also facilitates allowing custom objects, and allows the "coding information (how to code/decode a custom object)" of custom objects to be stored and extracted from the arcive file itself, then it is the greatest thing since IB in my view!

Anyway, differences in interface *philosophy* cannot be solved by using any kind of common single UI description. It does not matter if it is 'platform independent' or not. And i think that the phrase 'platform independet' is really inappropriate in connection with 'user interface'.

Yes, we are talking about two different issues. One is a plattform independent format for object archives and the other is how to place UI objects on screen, in windows and so forth, which would bring us back to the "Theme" issue or some other form of UI configuration method. But I'd like to stay out of that discussion... (for now at least :-) )


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