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Re: Why is GNUstep less successful than GTK and Qt??

From: Stefan Urbanek
Subject: Re: Why is GNUstep less successful than GTK and Qt??
Date: Thu, 12 Jun 2003 19:10:49 +0200


Excuse me for ignoring all other points you mentioned except one ...

On 2003-06-12 08:11:22 +0200 Boudewijn Rempt <boud@valdyas.org> wrote:

jonathon wrote:

Is it because they are C/C++ based?

Well, I've been playing with GNUStep for over a year now, and I can offer
the following reasons:

* A GNUStep GUI application needs a complete GNUStep environment to be
useful; the applications don't mix very well with other X11 apps, yet
GNUStep specifically states they are not building a desktop environment.

GNUstep apps are not apps as we know from other apps and gnustep environment is 
not 'just another set of libraries and tools'. GNUstep is integrated 
environment. Applications are just parts of that greater environment. What can 
be compared to gnustep (mainly from users point of view)? emacs, squeak, 
openoffice or mozilla. gnustep applications are just *cooperating 
modules/objects* in that environment sharing common frameworks and resources. 
GNUstep will not fit into the scheme of X11 program collection as it will not 
fit to any other currently used scheme of graphical programs.

I'll exaggerate now. you can think that gnustep is only one executable (on 
windows GNUstep.exe). You run it and some GNUstep environment manager/workspace 
will open. From that environment manager you can reach all gnustep objects and 
modules (that is applications and services). GNUstep.exe provides mechanisms 
for communication between those objects. What is GNUstep.exe? 
gdomap+gndc+gpbs+... other servers and core applications. Currently that 
'monster environment app' is automaticalyl launched when you run some gnustep 
tool or app.

GNUstep is standalone environment that can be hosted in other operating system. 
You do not install applications, you install GNUstep environment and you insert 
modules there.

Stefan Urbanek

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