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ANNOUNCE: Renaissance 0.8.0

From: Nicola Pero
Subject: ANNOUNCE: Renaissance 0.8.0
Date: Sat, 29 Nov 2003 02:29:54 +0000 (GMT)

I am very excited to announce the 0.8.0 release of Renaissance.  You can 
find it at - 


(NB: yes, I spent a day redesigning the web site).

* What is Renaissance ?

GNUstep Renaissance is free software (GNU LGPL), and part of the GNUstep
project.  It is a development framework which runs on top of the GNUstep
libraries.  It also works on top of the Apple OSX Cocoa libraries,
providing an opaque layer to write portable applications.

In short, GNUstep Renaissance allows you to describe your user interfaces
(that is, the windows in your application, and the buttons, boxes,
textfields, etc in the windows) in simple and intuitive XML files, using
an open, standard format describing the logic of the interface. GNUstep
Renaissance can then, at run time, generate the user interfaces (using the
native host OpenStep-like libraries) by reading the XML files. The
connections between the objects created from the XML files, and the other
objects in the application are done via outlets (as traditionally in
OpenStep); a new quick and intuitive syntax has been developed to make
creating outlets as easy as possible.

You find more information on Renaissance at

* What is new in this release ?

This release includes quite a lot of improvements.  New tags were added --
<splitView>, <secureTextField>, <browser>, <tableView>, <tableColumn> and
<outlineView> tags; with those tags, almost all standard widgets and
controls should be available in Renaissance.  Some existing tags have been
enhanced; memory leaks have been fixed; the connectors code was
reorganized, and GSMarkupApplicationMain() was added.  There are also new
examples and other minor enhancements.

* Authors

Renaissance was written by Nicola Pero <n.pero@mi.flashnet.it>.

Special thanks for helping with this release to Pete French, David Wetzel,
Rodolfo W. Zitellini, David Ayers, and to everyone else having reported
bugs and suggested improvements.

* Feeback

Nicola Pero (<n.pero@mi.flashnet.it>, <nicola@brainstorm.co.uk>) will be
happy to hear your comments, suggestions, problems, bug reports, and help
whenever he can!

* What's going to happen in next releases ?

We need more documentation.  We need the support for fixed subview layout
to be finished and tested.  And we need a GUI builder!

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