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From: Pascal J . Bourguignon
Subject: nibTool
Date: Sat, 27 Dec 2003 10:25:42 +0100 (CET)

In OPENSTEP  4.2, there is a tool  named nibTool that is  able to dump
nib files in ASCII form .

(Here is an example of the output of: nibTool -a Hang.nib).

It  seems  to be  complete  enough to  allow  for  regenerating a  new
interface file from it.

/* Objects */

Object 1 = {
    Class = NSApplication; 
    Name = "File's Owner"; 

Object 2 = {
    Class = NSTextField; 
    Alignment = NSLeftTextAlignment; 
    BackgroundColor = "{selector = textBackgroundColor;}"; 
    Bezeled = NO; 
    Bordered = NO; 
    DrawsBackground = NO; 
    Enabled = YES; 
    Font = "{name = Helvetica; pointSize = 18}"; 
    Frame = "{x = 77; y = 115; width = 108; height = 22}"; 
    Name = Field1; 
    Scrollable = NO; 
    Selectable = NO; 
    StringValue = Hangman; 
    Tag = 0; 
    TextColor = "{selector = controlTextColor;}"; 

Object 3 = {
    Class = NSMenuItem; 
    Enabled = YES; 
    KeyEquivalent = a; 
    Tag = 0; 
    Title = "Select All"; 

Object 4 = {
    Class = NSMenu; 
    CustomClass = NSMenuTemplate; 
    Location = "{x = 11; y = 416}"; 
    Name = MainMenu; 
    Title = Hangman; 

Object 5 = {
    Class = NSMenuItem; 
    Enabled = YES; 
    Tag = 0; 
    Title = Windows; 

Object 6 = {
    Class = NSButton; 
    Alignment = NSCenterTextAlignment; 
    AutoresizingMask = "(MaxX, MinY)"; 
    Bordered = NO; 
    Continuous = NO; 
    Disabled = YES; 
    Font = "{name = User's Message Font; pointSize = 12}"; 
    Frame = "{x = 19; y = 42; width = 48; height = 48}"; 
    Image = macware; 
    ImagePosition = NSImageOnly; 
    Name = Button2; 
    PixelsInset = 2; 
    Selected = NO; 
    Tag = 0; 
    Transparent = NO; 
    Type = NSMomentaryPushButton; 

Object 7 = {
    Class = NSMenuItem; 
    Enabled = YES; 
    KeyEquivalent = v; 
    Tag = 0; 
    Title = Paste; 

Object 8 = {
    Class = NSMenuItem; 
    Enabled = YES; 
    Tag = 0; 
    Title = Edit; 

Object 9 = {
    Class = NSMenuItem; 
    Enabled = YES; 
    KeyEquivalent = c; 
    Tag = 0; 
    Title = Copy; 

Object 10 = {
    Class = NSButton; 
    Alignment = NSCenterTextAlignment; 
    AutoresizingMask = "(MaxX, MinY)"; 
    Bordered = NO; 
    Continuous = NO; 
    Disabled = YES; 
    Font = "{name = Helvetica; pointSize = 12}"; 
    Frame = "{x = 6; y = 63; width = 73; height = 80}"; 
    Image = knot.vertic; 
    Name = Button1; 
    PixelsInset = 2; 
    Selected = NO; 
    Tag = 0; 
    Transparent = NO; 
    Type = NSMomentaryPushButton; 

Object 11 = {
    Class = NSMenu; 
    CustomClass = NSMenuTemplate; 
    Title = Windows; 

Object 12 = {
    Class = NSMenuItem; 
    Enabled = YES; 
    KeyEquivalent = m; 
    Tag = 0; 
    Title = "Miniaturize Window"; 

Object 13 = {
    Class = Hangman; 
    Name = Hangman; 

Object 14 = {
    Class = NSView; 
    Frame = "{x = 2; y = 2; width = 416; height = 0}"; 

Object 15 = {
    Class = NSTextField; 
    Alignment = NSLeftTextAlignment; 
    BackgroundColor = "{selector = textBackgroundColor;}"; 
    Bezeled = NO; 
    Bordered = NO; 
    DrawsBackground = NO; 
    Enabled = YES; 
    Font = "{name = Helvetica; pointSize = 10}"; 
    Frame = "{x = 1; y = 24; width = 439; height = 39}"; 
    Name = Field21; 
    Scrollable = NO; 
    Selectable = NO; 
    StringValue = "The purpose of this application is to test the development 
of user interface independant code. The same core of code has been used for a 
stdio version and a MacApp version of this game."; 
    Tag = 0; 
    TextColor = "{selector = controlTextColor;}"; 

Object 16 = {
    Class = NSTextField; 
    Alignment = NSLeftTextAlignment; 
    BackgroundColor = "{selector = controlColor;}"; 
    Bezeled = NO; 
    Bordered = NO; 
    DrawsBackground = YES; 
    Enabled = YES; 
    Font = "{name = Helvetica; pointSize = 10}"; 
    Frame = "{x = 100; y = 3; width = 297; height = 13}"; 
    Name = Field; 
    Scrollable = NO; 
    Selectable = NO; 
    StringValue = "Copyright 1993, Pascal J. Bourguignon.  All Rights 
    Tag = 0; 
    TextColor = "{selector = darkGrayColor;}"; 

Object 17 = {
    Class = NSMenuItem; 
    Enabled = YES; 
    KeyEquivalent = h; 
    Tag = 0; 
    Title = Hide; 

Object 18 = {
    Class = NSButton; 
    Alignment = NSCenterTextAlignment; 
    Bordered = NO; 
    Continuous = NO; 
    Disabled = YES; 
    Font = "{name = User's Message Font; pointSize = 12}"; 
    Frame = "{x = 335; y = 70; width = 64; height = 64}"; 
    Image = pascal; 
    ImagePosition = NSImageOnly; 
    Name = Button; 
    PixelsInset = 2; 
    Selected = NO; 
    Tag = 0; 
    Transparent = NO; 
    Type = NSMomentaryPushButton; 

Object 19 = {
    Class = NSMatrix; 
    AutosizesCells = NO; 
    Autotagged = NO; 
    BackgroundColor = "{selector = whiteColor;}"; 
    DrawsBackground = NO; 
    Frame = "{x = 1; y = 0; width = 82; height = 80}"; 
    Mode = NSTrackModeMatrix; 
    SelectionByRect = YES; 
    Tag = 0; 

Object 20 = {
    Class = NSMenuItem; 
    Enabled = YES; 
    Tag = 0; 
    Title = Info...; 

Object 21 = {
    Class = NSMenuItem; 
    Enabled = YES; 
    KeyEquivalent = n; 
    Tag = 0; 
    Title = "New game"; 

Object 22 = {
    Class = Panel; 
    Autoposition = (); 
    Backing = NSBackingStoreBuffered; 
    Closable = YES; 
    Deferred = YES; 
    DynamicDepthLimit = NO; 
    Frame = "{x = 264; y = 658; width = 418; height = 171}"; 
    HideOnDeactivate = NO; 
    Miniaturizable = NO; 
    MinimumSize = "{width = 0; height = 0}"; 
    Name = Info; 
    OneShot = YES; 
    ReleaseWhenClosed = NO; 
    Resizable = NO; 
    Title = Info; 
    VisibleAtLaunchTime = NO; 
    WantsToBeColor = NO; 

Object 23 = {
    Class = NSMenuItem; 
    Enabled = YES; 
    KeyEquivalent = q; 
    Tag = 0; 
    Title = Quit; 

Object 24 = {
    Class = NSMenu; 
    CustomClass = NSMenuTemplate; 
    Title = Edit; 

Object 25 = {
    Class = NSMatrix; 
    AutosizesCells = NO; 
    Autotagged = NO; 
    BackgroundColor = "{selector = whiteColor;}"; 
    DrawsBackground = NO; 
    Frame = "{x = 1; y = 0; width = 137; height = 60}"; 
    Mode = NSTrackModeMatrix; 
    SelectionByRect = YES; 
    Tag = 0; 

Object 26 = {
    Class = NSMenuItem; 
    Enabled = YES; 
    Tag = 0; 
    Title = "Arrange in Front"; 

Object 27 = {
    Class = NSMatrix; 
    AutosizesCells = NO; 
    Autotagged = NO; 
    BackgroundColor = "{selector = whiteColor;}"; 
    DrawsBackground = NO; 
    Frame = "{x = 1; y = 0; width = 88; height = 120}"; 
    Mode = NSTrackModeMatrix; 
    SelectionByRect = YES; 
    Tag = 0; 

Object 28 = {
    Class = NSBox; 
    BorderType = NSGrooveBorder; 
    ContentViewMargins = "{width = 0; height = 0}"; 
    Frame = "{x = -4; y = 20; width = 420; height = 2}"; 
    Name = Box; 
    Title = Box; 
    TitleFont = "{name = Helvetica; pointSize = 12}"; 
    TitlePosition = NSNoTitle; 

Object 29 = {
    Class = NSView; 
    Frame = "{x = 1; y = 1; width = 416; height = 147}"; 

Object 30 = {
    Class = NSMenuItem; 
    Enabled = YES; 
    KeyEquivalent = x; 
    Tag = 0; 
    Title = Cut; 

Object 31 = {
    Class = NSTextField; 
    Alignment = NSLeftTextAlignment; 
    BackgroundColor = "{selector = textBackgroundColor;}"; 
    Bezeled = NO; 
    Bordered = NO; 
    DrawsBackground = NO; 
    Enabled = YES; 
    Font = "{name = Helvetica; pointSize = 10}"; 
    Frame = "{x = 8; y = 3; width = 62; height = 13}"; 
    Name = VersionNumber; 
    Scrollable = NO; 
    Selectable = NO; 
    StringValue = "Version 1.0"; 
    Tag = 0; 
    TextColor = "{selector = darkGrayColor;}"; 

Object 32 = {
    Class = NSTextField; 
    Alignment = NSLeftTextAlignment; 
    BackgroundColor = "{selector = textBackgroundColor;}"; 
    Bezeled = NO; 
    Bordered = NO; 
    DrawsBackground = NO; 
    Enabled = YES; 
    Font = "{name = Helvetica; pointSize = 14}"; 
    Frame = "{x = 155; y = 89; width = 170; height = 18}"; 
    Name = Field2; 
    Scrollable = NO; 
    Selectable = NO; 
    StringValue = "by Pascal J. Bourguignon"; 
    Tag = 0; 
    TextColor = "{selector = controlTextColor;}"; 

Object 33 = {
    Class = NSMenuItem; 
    Enabled = YES; 
    KeyEquivalent = w; 
    Tag = 0; 
    Title = "Close Window"; 

/* Object Hierarchy */

"Object 1 <NSApplication> (File's Owner)" = (
    "Object -1 <IBFirstResponder> (First Responder)";
    "Object 4 <NSMenu> (MainMenu)" = (
        "Object 27 <NSMatrix>" = (
            "Object 5 <NSMenuItem>" = (
                "Object 11 <NSMenu>" = (
                    "Object 25 <NSMatrix>" = (
                        "Object 12 <NSMenuItem>";
                        "Object 26 <NSMenuItem>";
                        "Object 33 <NSMenuItem>";
            "Object 8 <NSMenuItem>" = (
                "Object 24 <NSMenu>" = (
                    "Object 19 <NSMatrix>" = (
                        "Object 3 <NSMenuItem>";
                        "Object 7 <NSMenuItem>";
                        "Object 9 <NSMenuItem>";
                        "Object 30 <NSMenuItem>";
            "Object 17 <NSMenuItem>";
            "Object 20 <NSMenuItem>";
            "Object 21 <NSMenuItem>";
            "Object 23 <NSMenuItem>";
    "Object 13 <Hangman> (Hangman)";
    "Object 22 <Panel> (Info)" = (
        "Object 29 <NSView>" = (
            "Object 2 <NSTextField> (Field1)";
            "Object 6 <NSButton> (Button2)";
            "Object 10 <NSButton> (Button1)";
            "Object 15 <NSTextField> (Field21)";
            "Object 16 <NSTextField> (Field)";
            "Object 18 <NSButton> (Button)";
            "Object 28 <NSBox> (Box)" = (
                "Object 14 <NSView>";
            "Object 31 <NSTextField> (VersionNumber)";
            "Object 32 <NSTextField> (Field2)";

/* Connections */

Connection 34 = {
    Class = NSIBControlConnector; 
    Action = "cut:"; 
    Source = "Object 30 <NSMenuItem>"; 

Connection 35 = {
    Class = NSIBControlConnector; 
    Action = "copy:"; 
    Source = "Object 9 <NSMenuItem>"; 

Connection 36 = {
    Class = NSIBControlConnector; 
    Action = "paste:"; 
    Source = "Object 7 <NSMenuItem>"; 

Connection 37 = {
    Class = NSIBControlConnector; 
    Action = "selectAll:"; 
    Source = "Object 3 <NSMenuItem>"; 

Connection 38 = {
    Class = NSIBControlConnector; 
    Action = "terminate:"; 
    Destination = "Object 1 <NSApplication> (File's Owner)"; 
    Source = "Object 23 <NSMenuItem>"; 

Connection 39 = {
    Class = NSIBControlConnector; 
    Action = "hide:"; 
    Destination = "Object 1 <NSApplication> (File's Owner)"; 
    Source = "Object 17 <NSMenuItem>"; 

Connection 40 = {
    Class = NSIBControlConnector; 
    Action = "makeKeyAndOrderFront:"; 
    Destination = "Object 22 <Panel> (Info)"; 
    Source = "Object 20 <NSMenuItem>"; 

Connection 41 = {
    Class = NSIBControlConnector; 
    Action = "performMiniaturize:"; 
    Source = "Object 12 <NSMenuItem>"; 

Connection 42 = {
    Class = NSIBControlConnector; 
    Action = "performClose:"; 
    Source = "Object 33 <NSMenuItem>"; 

Connection 43 = {
    Class = NSIBControlConnector; 
    Action = "arrangeInFront:"; 
    Source = "Object 26 <NSMenuItem>"; 

Connection 44 = {
    Class = NSIBOutletConnector; 
    Destination = "Object 13 <Hangman> (Hangman)"; 
    Outlet = delegate; 
    Source = "Object 1 <NSApplication> (File's Owner)"; 

Connection 45 = {
    Class = NSIBControlConnector; 
    Action = "newGame:"; 
    Destination = "Object 13 <Hangman> (Hangman)"; 
    Source = "Object 21 <NSMenuItem>"; 

/* Classes */

"FirstResponder" = {ACTIONS = {}; OUTLETS = {}; SUPERCLASS = NSObject; };
"Hangman" = {
    ACTIONS = {
        "chooseAnotherWord:" = id; 
        "newGame:" = id; 
        "tryALetter:" = id; 
        "willQuit:" = id; 
    OUTLETS = {}; 
    SUPERCLASS = Object; 

__Pascal_Bourguignon__                              .  *   * . * .* .
http://www.informatimago.com/                        .   *   .   .*
There is no worse tyranny than to force             * .  . /\      . *
a man to pay for what he does not                    . .  / .\   . * .
want merely because you think it                    .*.  / *  \  . .
would be good for him. -- Robert Heinlein             . /*   o \     .
http://www.theadvocates.org/                        *   '''||'''   .
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