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Modal dialogs not supported yet?

From: Andreas Hoeschler
Subject: Modal dialogs not supported yet?
Date: Mon, 9 Feb 2004 18:06:30 +0100

Hi all,

I run a modal dialog as follows.

   if ([NSApp runModalForWindow:panel] == NSRunStoppedResponse)

When I click on the cancel button in the modal dialog which calls [NSApp abortModal] I get a "Abort Modal" exception. I looked into NSApplication.m and found

 * Running modal event loops
- (void) abortModal
  if (_session == 0)
      [NSException raise: NSAbortModalException
                  format: @"abortModal called while not in a modal session"];
  [NSException raise: NSAbortModalException format: @"abortModal"];

This method always raises an exception. Are modal dialogs not supported yet? What am I missing?



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