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RE: Eeeagh! I'm at my wits end.

From: Adam Fedor
Subject: RE: Eeeagh! I'm at my wits end.
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2004 21:34:15 -0400

> From: Simon Stapleton [mailto:simon@tufty.co.uk]
> > Uncaught exception NSInternalInconsistencyException, reason:
> > GNUSTEP Internal Error:
> > The private GNUstep function to establish the argv and environment
> > variables was not called.
> > Please report the error to bug-gnustep@some.bogus.org

Is there anything printed before this, like an Assert or just a Log message 
with the same info?

> problem again.  Now, it's obviously not a problem with 
> GNUstep per se, 
> as other tools seem to work OK - eogenerator, for example.
> I guess It's something to do with my makefiles and the frameworks I 
> build all the components as, but it's got me stumped.  Anyone 
> have any 
> ideas on what (other than a problem at the gnustep-base 
> level) might be 
> calling this?
> +[NSProcessInfo load] is definitely being called before 
> main(), and is 
> getting the args quite happily

The only thing reasonable I can think of is that maybe a +load method in your 
app or some other lib is improperly using ObjC statements (which might trigger 
a call to NSProcessInfo before all the load methods are complete and 
NSProcessInfo can call +initialize). 

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