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RE: Fwd: Arguments for Obj-C++ in GCC 4.0

From: Vaisburd, Haim
Subject: RE: Fwd: Arguments for Obj-C++ in GCC 4.0
Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2005 13:20:12 -0800

--- Frederic Stark <gsfred@almonde.com> wrote:

> OTOH, If I read the bug correctly, it seems that casting classes don't 
> work. If this is really the bug, then most Objective-C code out there 
> will not compile.
> Now, if we could convince the steering commitee that releasing an 
> Objective-C compiler that don't work because nobody reviewed a 10 line 
> patch is somewhat ridiculous, we may get someone from the gcc team to 
> review the patch 
> <http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-patches/2004-11/msg00925.html>. And based on 
> previous releases, 4.0.1 will be 2 or 3 months later than 4.0.0...

If I read this correctly, the GCC team has dropped support for Objective C.
So the subject is a bit misleading: it's not just Objective C - C++
integration, it's the thing as a whole. Am I right?

--- Gregory John Casamento wrote:

> But I dislike relying on the charity of the gcc team.

So do I. What are the options? How feasible is to write another
Objective C (not C++) compiler or to fork gcc?


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