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ANN: StepTalk 0.10.0

From: Stefan Urbanek
Subject: ANN: StepTalk 0.10.0
Date: Mon, 05 Sep 2005 22:47:37 +0200


Major update - new classes, new tools, new functionality,  interface
changes, removed obsoleted stuff.

What is StepTalk?
Language independent scripting framework for GNUstep.

More information: http://mediawiki.gnustep.org/index.php/StepTalk


What is new in 0.10.0

    * introduced new language management (STLanguageManager)
    * introduced remote scripting (STRemoteConversation)
    * new tool for semi-persistent environments: stenvironment
    * added reading from stdin to stexec
    * added remote scripting to stshell and stexec
    * new conversation methods
    * removed tools: stalk, stupdate_languages
    * removed depreciated methods from STEnvironment
    * removed class STLanguage
    - you can delete */Library/StepTalk/Configuration directories


Get it (in a short time) from: ftp://ftp.gnustep.org/pub/gnustep/libs/
or get it immediately from GNUstep CVS.

About semi-persistent shared environment

What is a semi-persistent shared environment? It is a scripting
environment that resides in a stand-alone process and therefore is, from
application's or tool's point of view, persistent for a whole computer
session. That means that the environment exists until the process is
terminated. The environment can be shared by more applications or can be
used by a several subsequent launches of a tool.

More about the environment can be learnt from the following document:


Example is in Testing/Smalltalk/distant.st

Any patches, comments and questions are more than welcome. Feel free to
forward this email wherever you find it being appropriate.


Stefan Urbanek

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then
you win.
- Mahatma Gandhi

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