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Re: Discuss-gnustep Digest, Vol 36, Issue 37

From: Nicolas Roard
Subject: Re: Discuss-gnustep Digest, Vol 36, Issue 37
Date: Sat, 26 Nov 2005 21:16:12 +0000

On 11/26/05, Michael Thaler <michael.thaler@physik.tu-muenchen.de> wrote:
> On Saturday 26 November 2005 20:40, Nicolas Roard wrote:
> > Pretty cool, indeed ! is it a Camaelon theme ? care to make it available ?
> > :-) I should probably update properly the camaelon webpage and put the
> > available themes to download...
> Yes, it is a Camaelon theme.  Of course you can put it on the camaelon
> webpage. I'll send it to you when it is finished. Right now, some things are
> still missing.

cool ! Once it's done I'll set up some page that list the available themes..

> > There's a file you can change to select which icon to load. Though, it
> > should probably be simpler, as simple as putting an "Icon theme"
> > bundle in your ~/GNUstep/ directory..
> That would be nice. There is also the Tango project which creates a new
> iconset for GNOME (and KDE).
> http://tango-project.org/Tango_Desktop_Project
> Some examples:
> http://tango-project.org/Tango_Icon_Theme_Guidelines#a_KDE_artist
> They also want to create a  standard icon naming specification.
> I hope the KDE people will also follow this naming specification with Oxygen.
> It would be nice if gnustep could also use it, so that GNOME/KDE icon themes
> would simply work with gnustep (gnustep should probably still have its own
> default icon theme, but the possibility to use icon themes from GNOME and KDE
> would be great).

Probably, yes.

> Would it be in prinicple possible to have a Mac-like menu on top? I guess
> there are some good reasons for the vertical, next like menu, but personally
> I would like to have the option to have the menu on top.

Yes, you can use WildMenu: http://www.cc.utah.edu/~msh3/WildMenus-0.06.tgz

Not sure if it works with camaelon though (it used to).
I'll try it.

Nicolas Roard
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
  -Arthur C. Clarke

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