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Re: GNUStep FreeBSD 6.0

From: Chris B. Vetter
Subject: Re: GNUStep FreeBSD 6.0
Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2006 16:54:52 +0100

On 1/16/06, Dirk Meyer <dirk.meyer@dinoex.sub.org> wrote:
> Chris B. Vetter schrieb:,
> > I strongly recommend NOT using the ports. For one, it takes a long
> > time for them to get updated, and they do not install all required
> > dependencies. You could, of course, install all dependencies first,
> > then install the ports.
> The ports should lag only when the FreeBSD ports tree is frozen.
> I watch the announcements and mostly the updated ports are released
> within a few days.

Yes, I noticed that these have been quite up-to-date lately.

> > For a reasonable installation, make sure the following ports are installed:
> > - x11-wm/wmaker
> This is recommended, but not enforced.

In case of NOT using the ports for installing GNUstep, having wmaker
installed saves a lot of hassle, as this port does install a couple of
(GNUstep) dependencies.
Besides, WMaker is (still) the recommended window manager, so you'll
probably (going to) have it installed anyway.

> This is already enforced for some time:

I noticed this weekend. I haven't checked back for a long time,
instead installed GNUstep via CVS, for one because of missing
dependencies, for another, I put GNUstep in very different places that
go against FreeBSD's "philosophy" of putting (almost everything) below

So, my apologies. As far as I've seen, apparently all dependencies are
now resolved.

> Each backend will pull in its dependecies.


> Default is still the x11 backend, this will be switched to cairo soon.

Not sure whether this is a good idea. I haven't been able to get
back-cairo working (based on GNUstep's CVS).

Interestingly, cairo is used by FireFox as well (according to
pkg_info) however, back-cairo bitches about

  In file included from CairoFontInfo.m:28:
      error: #include expects "FILENAME" or <FILENAME>
  :0> grep -n include /usr/local/include/cairo/cairo-ft.h
  40:#include <cairo.h>
  46:#include <fontconfig/fontconfig.h>
  47:#include <ft2build.h>
  48:#include FT_FREETYPE_H

Well now... this obviously won't work...

> Before build the backend and applications
> add one of this to your /etc/make.conf

That's good!

> Please contact me, if you find a case where this does not work as expected.

Maybe I'll give the ports another try if I can figure out how to
resolve the problem of my 'askewed' installation paths.

> > For printing, you need
> > - print/cups
> > which is (usually) automatically included when you install SAMBA.
> Well, printing over lpr seem to work for me.
> I have enabled the dependecy by default so we habe both bundles.




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