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Re: Love the language & API, would like to modify the UI

From: Richard Frith-Macdonald
Subject: Re: Love the language & API, would like to modify the UI
Date: Sat, 18 Mar 2006 16:43:07 +0000

On 18 Mar 2006, at 08:32, Sheldon Gill wrote:

Issac Trotts wrote:
I'm looking at the gui examples, wondering how to make them look and
act more like regular Win32 apps when they run on Win32.
How do I get the menu to be part of the application's main window?

We need to create a view class which will hold the menu within the applications main window.

We already have a class to be used for this ... GSWindowDecorationView ... which acts as a top level container for the window's content view. This needs to be modified to draw the NSMenuView instance for the main menu inside itsself, and the NSMenuView needs to be modified to cope with the fact that it's being used inside a normal window rather than a menu window. I don't think anyone is currently working on that though.

Is there a way to change the window background color to something
other than dark gray?

Yes, you need to modify the System.clr file in your home directory. Unfortunately, it's not as easy as editing a text file.

For your application you can modify the System color list. Look at NSColorList. You want to change the color for the key @"windowBackgroundColor" from memory.

Or you just use the NSUserDefaults system to specify the color you want to be used for NSWindowBackgroundColor

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