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Re: FAQ listing

From: Graham J Lee
Subject: Re: FAQ listing
Date: Tue, 23 May 2006 03:35:26 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (Macintosh/20060308)

On 22/5/06 18:55, Sherm Pendley wrote:
On May 22, 2006, at 5:18 AM, Graham J Lee wrote:

meanwhile, over in Usenet, myself and Mike Ash have been writing a new FAQ listing for comp.lang.objective-c, mentioning Cocoa, GNUstep and actual features of the ObjC language a guaranteed infinitely more often than the 'official' FAQ :-).

I've often wondered how it is that someone with such an obvious axe to grind ever came to be in charge of the official FAQ for that newsgroup in the first place.

In Usenet as in military service, it's not about who steps forward, it's about who doesn't step backward. If you search for "comp.lang.objective-c alternative FAQ" you'll see a couple of efforts which never really got off the ground.

Anyway, congrats - the new FAQ is indeed infinitely better than the old one.

Thanks! I've CC'd this to cocoa-dev and discuss-gnustep as it might be useful to those lists - please sort out the reply-to's when you respond ;-). The URL for the new FAQ is currently http://nextstep.sdf-eu.org/clocFAQ/


Graham Lee
UNIX Systems Manager,
Oxford Physics Practical Course

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