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Re: Is it o.k. to announce GNUstep digg stories here?

From: Yen-Ju Chen
Subject: Re: Is it o.k. to announce GNUstep digg stories here?
Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2007 17:40:45 -0700

On 3/22/07, Stefan Bidigaray <stefanbidi@gmail.com> wrote:
I, personally, think it's a good idea!  I don't see why anyone would be
against it on the irc channel since it's, after all, a public forum to
exchange ideas.  On the other hand, I also check the GNUstep blog (the one
Yen-Ju writes on), and others, almost daily so I would know when a story is
being digged.  Still, I think it would be a good idea to announce when
something is being digged so that we can get more eyes at least thinking
about looking at the project.

 Although I maintain the blog, you probably notice that most of time,
 I just quote what other people said or just put "here" with a link.
 Frankly, most of the stories are from maillist.
 If anyone want to join as authors to make story better,
 it is very welcome, as it is obvious that my native language is not English.

 As for the digg, I am more passive.
 I believe if the story is good, people will dig it.
 There is no need to push it that hard, or push every story.
 I would be more interested to see what happens if we don't push.
 It reflects the true popularity of GNUstep.
 To compromise on both sides, my suggestion is to put on the first digg
 because it does take time to write one, then see what happens.
 It is like a constant survey of what people are interested in GNUstep. :)



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