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NSTableView fix

From: Andreas Höschler
Subject: NSTableView fix
Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2007 01:00:15 +0200

Check whether delegate responds to control:didFailToFormatString:errorDescription: before sending message and a bunch of other important fixes.

- (void)validateEditing
if (_textObject)
NSFormatter *formatter;
NSString *string;
id newObjectValue = nil; // <----
BOOL validatedOK = YES;

formatter = [_editedCell formatter];
string = AUTORELEASE ([[_textObject text] copy]);

if (formatter == nil)
newObjectValue = string;
NSString *error;

if ([formatter getObjectValue:&newObjectValue
errorDescription: &error] == NO)
SEL sel = @selector(control:didFailToFormatString:errorDescription:); // <-----
if ([_delegate respondsToSelector:sel] && [_delegate control:self didFailToFormatString:string errorDescription:error] == NO) // <----
validatedOK = NO;
// newObjectValue = string; // <---- bad idea; newObjectValue is expected to be a NSNumber, NSCalendarDate,...
if ([string length] > 0 && newObjectValue == nil) validatedOK = NO; // <----
if (validatedOK == YES)
[_editedCell setObjectValue: newObjectValue];

if (_dataSource_editable)
NSTableColumn *tb;

tb = [_tableColumns objectAtIndex: _editedColumn];

[self _setObjectValue: newObjectValue
forTableColumn: tb
row: _editedRow];

//[_dataSource tableView: self setObjectValue: newObjectValue
// forTableColumn: tb row: _editedRow];

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