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Re: Return key in gnustep-startup-0.22.0

From: Fred Kiefer
Subject: Re: Return key in gnustep-startup-0.22.0
Date: Mon, 12 Jan 2009 15:15:25 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20081227)

Wolfgang Lux wrote:
> Am 11.01.2009 um 20:54 schrieb Fred Kiefer:
>> Germán André Arias Santiago wrote:
>>> Hi, I have installed gnustep-startup-0.22.0 in Ubuntu 8.04. But, I have
>>> a problem with return key. For example in GWorkspace, if I select an
>>> archive and select "Open with ..." in the option "File". I write the
>>> app's name, and press Tab to select the "Ok" button. But, when I press
>>> the return key, I hear a beep. Then, I need do a clic with the mouse. I
>>> have this problem with others apps. I hadn't this problem with previos
>>> release. And, I don't know if is a bad configuration or a bug.
>> This behaviour is rather strange. Normally you wouldn't even have to got
>> to the OK button via tabs, the return key should work on it as it is the
>> default button of the panel. I just tried this with Ink and it works
>> here. So most likely this is a problem specific to your environment.
>> Either your return key is just not working, which you would have
>> noticed, wouldn't you? Or something in your configuration remaps that
>> key.
> The problem actually turns out to be due to an inconsistency between
> Gorm and
> the gui. The Return key sends a keyboard event with character code 13
> (i.e.,
> \r) in the gui (as well as in Cocoa), whereas Gorm uses character code 10
> (i.e., \n) for the keyboard equivalent of the Return key. Obviously, Gorm
> should be changed here, but as a short term workaround (until all Gorm
> files
> are fixed), we might add code to NSButtonCell's -initWithCoder: method to
> change a keyboard equivalent @"\n" into @"\r".

Thank you for looking into this. I committed a change along the line of
your suggestion. Hopefully Gorm will be fixed soon.

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