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Re: FOSDEM and beyond (next stable release of base)

From: Nicola Pero
Subject: Re: FOSDEM and beyond (next stable release of base)
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 2010 10:57:38 +0000

A common case, for example, is building many tools from the same GNUmakefile - each of them created by compiling a file or two. We don't parallelize building
the tools at the moment ....

I experimentally implemented this in trunk - for tools. Please give it a go. You just need to use gnustep-make from trunk, then compile using 'make -j N'
(where N is 2 or over, depending on how good your hardware is). :-)

Unfortunately, if you have different tools compiled in the same GNUmakefile that share some source files (which seems to be common in some projects), these
will break with the code currently in trunk.

I fixed this, and extended it to cover apps, libraries, bundles, etc.

I haven't done frameworks yet. And aggregate projects need a new API to decide whether you want to build the subprojects in parallel or not (a new variable to turn on parallel building of them might be enough). Once we can build the subprojects of an aggregate project in parallel, the amount of parallelization that can go on in a large source tree composed of fairly independent directories is really scary.

I'd be really surprised if I haven't broken at least something :-). Please don't use trunk for a few days if you need stable code.


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