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Re: GUI API reference for gnuStep

From: Banlu Kemiyatorn
Subject: Re: GUI API reference for gnuStep
Date: Tue, 22 Mar 2011 08:19:01 +0700

GNOME _has_ a window manager, was that Sawmill/Sawfish at the time? WMaker was suggested to be the official GNOME WM by the GNU-GNU policy, it was that that was really make no sense. WINGs was made to compete in some areas that GNUstep wasnt ready for at the time. I am not going to lecture you for the history so please try not to parse thing so literally just to made some pointless opinion!

Sent from my GNU/Linux N900

----- Original message -----
> Banlu Kemiyatorn <object@gmail.com> writes:
> > We (as WMaker devs) kinda did try to compete with GNOME and failed and
> > realized we shouldn't.
> This make no sense, since WindowMaker is a window manager and GNOME a
> desktop environment. Unless you count all of the miscellaneous WINGs
> based apps, but they were never collected to be a coherent environment.
> Charles
> --
> We come to bury DOS, not to praise it.
> (Paul Vojta, vojta@math.berkeley.edu, paraphrasing a quote of
> Shakespeare)

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