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build of project center 0.6.0 conks out with undefined _fileTypes at lin

From: Dan Hitt
Subject: build of project center 0.6.0 conks out with undefined _fileTypes at line 96 of PCAddFilesPanel.m
Date: Tue, 8 May 2012 22:31:01 -0700

Hi All,

I'm trying to set up a gnustep system.

I'm using a debian 6.0.4 system, with gcc 4.4.5.

There are no debian/gnustep packages installed;
instead (per Fred) i built my own:

The first three of these built without issue, and the
first two (the gnustep startup and gworkspace) i've
been using for a few days.

These all came from pointers in http://gnustep.org/

So, my first question is whether i'm using the
right versions of these packages (or whether maybe
gnustep.org is no longer the right site, or the current
versions all exist on https://github.com/ or
somewhere else).

Second, as to the exact error that stopped the
compilation --- there are some warnings earlier
(e.g., redefinition of "_" occurs 3 times).  It finally
conks out in the method:
    - (void)setFileTypes:(NSArray *)fileTypes
      NSString  *path = nil;

      ASSIGN(_fileTypes, fileTypes);

      path = [_browser path];
      [self validateVisibleColumns];
      [_browser setPath:path];

      [self display];
at the ASSIGN line.

Thanks in advance for any pointers or suggestions!


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