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Re: Comments on the website from people on twitter...

From: Dr Slivnik Tomaž MA (Cantab) MMath (Cantab) PhD (Cantab) FTICA
Subject: Re: Comments on the website from people on twitter...
Date: Fri, 9 Aug 2013 08:25:25 +0100

Would it be possible to produce a GnuStep-based desktop/distribution with a set 
of apps (as per my previous mails, and others'), very small, but all robust and 
well-built, and co-operating between themselves as API-based interchangeable 
components (e.g. Mail.app and AddressBook.app with AddressBook being used by 
Mail only via a published API with users being able to replace it) for 
Raspberry PI --- much in the way NeXT's MO was your "world" here the SD card 
would be.

One could build an SD-card image, and charge a $1 or $5 to generate a 
downloadable image configured to work with a given Mac address, or provide the 
SD image with limited functionality (say, everything but network connectivity) 
for free but charge $1 for a Mac-locked password to network enable it.

GnuStep could position itself as an educational system, a kind of "Pascal" 
versus Mac OS X's "C": no industrial-strength bleeding edge bells and whistles 
and experimental buggy, poorly thought out stuff, just well-thought-out 
orthogonal, mission critical, "just works" frameworks and apps.

The $1-$5 per seat could generate enough income to pay for an intern to package 
SD card distribution updates.

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