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Re: my calculator has problems

From: Germán Arias
Subject: Re: my calculator has problems
Date: Sat, 09 Apr 2016 11:46:43 -0600

El sáb, 09-04-2016 a las 08:53 -0400, umen escribió:
> Hi,
> Number1 is NSButton. result is the NSTextField. I assign string to
> number1 because with strings I can append other numbers and assign
> this new number to number1 again, then I use doubleValue to get a
> double from this string. It's exactly what else{} is doing at all
> button methods. Or there is another/better way to do that not using
> strings?

Why number1 is an NSButton? 
If you need an string, then use an NSString. But in that case, you can't
call -setDoubleValue: (line 157 in UCalc.m), because class NSString
don't implement this method. You should do something like:

number1 = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%f", [number2 doubleValue] +
[number1 doubleValue]]


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