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[DMCA-Activists] Information Freedom Victory Chronology

From: Seth Johnson
Subject: [DMCA-Activists] Information Freedom Victory Chronology
Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2005 10:15:16 -0500

Anybody care to join in, expanding the following chronology,
laying out the progress of information freedom in recent years? 

- W3C Patent Policy averted
- Content Control in the broadband Internet averted (and half of
the Hollings Bill)
- Broadcast Flag soundly repudiated by vast public response
(second half of Hollings Bill)
- Attempt to subvert European Patent Convention exclusion of
software patents roundly rebutted by EU Parliament
- Communications policy and information freedom activist
constituencies ally at the first Internet Commons Congress
- NGOs and public interest advocates pursue Development Agenda at
- INDUCE Act galvanizes opposition
- "Our Net is P2P" message delivered at FTC "P2P Filesharing"
- India stands against software patents and the illusory
"technical contribution" criterion
- Grokster case being argued right now



RIAA is the RISK!  Our NET is P2P!

DRM is Theft!  We are the Stakeholders!

New Yorkers for Fair Use

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