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[Dolibarr-bugtrack] [Bug #481] AJAX product selector gets in the way

From: Doliforge
Subject: [Dolibarr-bugtrack] [Bug #481] AJAX product selector gets in the way
Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 14:42:43 +0100

Ce message ne s'affiche pas correctement?
mettez à jour vos préférences utilisateur.

AJAX product selector gets in the way

Dernières modifications

21/11/2013 14:42 (Europe/Paris)
Yes, that's pretty much it.



Submitted by:  Raphaël Doursenaud (rdoursenaud) Submitted on:  06/08/2012 16:41
Last Modified On:  21/11/2013 14:34 
Summary:  AJAX product selector gets in the way
Description:  I often use a tab driven workflow to move between form fields.

The problem arises on invoices mostly but really is generic to wherever the AJAX product selector can appear.
Step to reproduce bug:  With the AJAX product selector, knowing the full product reference, I input it fully and hit TAB to move to the next form field.

When clicking add (Using SPACEBAR after moving on it with TAB but it behaves the same way with a normal mouse click) I get an error message stating that the description field is required.

I expected to have no error.
Version:  3.4.0 Category:  Ergonomy Defect
Severity:  1 - Minor OS Type/Version:  Linux 3.4.7
PHP version:  5.3.13 Database type and version:  MySQL 5.5.27
Status:  Open Assigned to:  Aucun
Resolution:  Aucun 


Raphaël Doursenaud 21/11/2013 14:42
Yes, that's pretty much it.
Laurent Destailleur 21/11/2013 14:34
OK, so question is a request to have product selected when full ref is entered and even if we didn't select it into combo.
Raphaël Doursenaud 08/08/2012 09:44
Well it's a bit weird but it works…
Isn't there a way to make it select the right entry when the focus is lost? (onblur event if I remember correctly)

I'll have to look into that when I have a moment but this really is very low priority.
Laurent Destailleur 07/08/2012 18:20
What happen if you do this:
- Tab to go on field
- Type first letters of ref you know
- Type on keyboard the down arraow key then enter
You should reach the next tab (without using mouse).
Don't you ?

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