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[Dolibarr-tasktrack] [Task #90] Barcode search

From: Doliforge
Subject: [Dolibarr-tasktrack] [Task #90] Barcode search
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 16:00:33 +0200

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Barcode search

Latest modifications

2013-09-16 16:00 (Europe/Paris)
  • Open to Any Developer: 
  • Planned for version: 
  • Completion (0-100%): 

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Submitted on:  2011-09-17 00:00 Submitted by:  Régis Houssin (hregis)
Last Modified On:  2011-10-17 14:09 
Summary:  Barcode search
Description:  Create a barcode search box on all entities with barcode. We have talking about that during the HackWeek.
Priority:  5 - Medium Open to Any Developer:  Yes
Subproject:  None Assigned to (multiple):  None
Planned for version:  3.5.0 
Start Date:  - End Date:  -
Completion (0-100%):  100 Status:  Open


RĂ©gis Houssin 2011-09-18 09:00
This item has been reassigned from the project Dolibarr bugs tracker to your tracker.

The original report is still available at bugs #31916

Following are the information included in the original report:

[field #0] Item ID: 31916<br />[field #1] Group ID: 1915<br />[field #2] Open/Closed: Open<br />[field #3] Severity: 1 - Wish<br />[field #4] Privacy: Public<br />[field #9] Category: None<br />[field #10] Submitted by: kujiu<br />[field #11] Assigned to: kujiu<br />[field #12] Submitted on: sam 18 déc 2010 15:30:26 CET<br />[field #13] Summary: Barcode search<br />[field #14] Original Submission: Create a barcode search box on all entities with barcode. We have talking about that during the HackWeek.<br />[field #16] Item Group: None<br />[field #17] Status: None<br />[field #18] Component Version: None<br />[field #19] Operating System: None<br />[field #20] Reproducibility: None<br />[field #21] Size (loc): None<br />[field #22] Fixed Release: None<br />[field #23] Planned Release: None<br />[field #24] Effort: 0.00<br />[field #28] Priority: 5 - Normal<br />[field #31] Percent Complete: 0%<br />[field #33] Release: CVS-DEV<br />[field #58] Custom Select Box #1: None<br />[field #59] Custom Select Box #2: None<br />[field #60] Custom Select Box #3: None<br />[field #61] Custom Select Box #4: None<br />[field #62] Custom Select Box #5: None<br />[field #63] Custom Select Box #6: None<br />[field #64] Custom Select Box #7: None<br />[field #65] Custom Select Box #8: None<br />[field #66] Custom Select Box #9: None<br />[field #67] Custom Select Box #10: None<br />

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