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[DotGNU]Reflection + Attributes (Was: A vote for Meetathon - III)

From: Gopal V
Subject: [DotGNU]Reflection + Attributes (Was: A vote for Meetathon - III)
Date: Tue, 15 Oct 2002 20:51:19 +0530
User-agent: Mutt/1.2.5i

If memory serves me right, James Michael DuPont wrote:
> > C# Attributes ?
> Sounds interesting.
> That is how you are handling native calls now? (sorry I have not been
> following this closly)

See attached example for an IDL (not OMG IDL, but something similar)
specified as Attributes + Metadata and extracted as XML ... Here only
'public static' methods marked as [Webservice] are extracted. This
is a hack .... No suggestions about improvement please :-)

I had to implement reflection for attributes partially for this 
example ... So this is almost a test case for that code as well.
So people testing might want to get the latest CVS as well ...

This is something to chew on for the Introspector and MetaWrap projects
as well as VRS C# model ... 

This allows Introspector to introspect without infringing on the GPL.
All Rhys objects to is messing around with the compiler ... And this
seems an amicable compromise ? .. (Plain reflection is enough , and this
is an example ;-)

As well as allowing MetaWrap to specify stuff to expose . All this info
was already available in C ... I just plugged it into C# ... Now if I
figure out how to set ILFields, the DeserializeObject might just work
for Unserialize() ?

Or somebody might hack my httpsrv.cs to support POST and we might have
an example Webservice container for Proof of Concept .. mod_pnet can 
wait until the idea takes shape and crystallises .. 

The difference between insanity and genius is measured by success

Attachment: Attrs.tar.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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