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[Libjit-developers] libjit changes for archs with native ints (pointer s

From: Klaus Treichel
Subject: [Libjit-developers] libjit changes for archs with native ints (pointer sizes) greater than 32 bit
Date: Wed, 26 Dec 2007 18:18:55 +0100

Hi all,

first i want to wish a merry christmas to everyone reading this mail.

On making the interpreter running the pnet hello sample on x86_64 i
stepped over some code wrapped in #if JIT_NATIVE_INT32 or #if
JIT_NATIVE_INT64 in jit-insn.c that confuses me.

So i have one question:

The type jit_int is always 4 bytes in size. So why is there this
conditional compilation?
Maybe it_'s because jit_int is mapped to the native int internally?
If so wouldn't it be better to change them to #if SIZEOF_INT > 4?

An other issue is that pointers (native int) are longs on 64 bit archs.
Is it correct to set the is_nint_constant in

Doing some of the changes made pnet's hello sample run with libjit
interpreter on x86_64.



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